Is there any lot identification for traceability purpose to assure that products conforming to the requirements of related recycled content claims can have their 整个生产过程中有没有相应的识别代码(比如单号等)来确保其追溯 7.06 Major material basis tracked back to the origin of all input materials ...
Guidance and clarifications are available in the GRS Implementation Manual. 本文件阐述了遵守GRS 的总体要求。GRS 实施手册中提供有指导和澄清。 In the GRS, the following verbal forms are used to indicate requirements, recommendations, permissions, or capabilities: 在GRS 中,以下用语用来表示要求、建议、...
Associated Object Add the objects to be reviewed, including raw requirements, system features, R&D requirements, and bugs. Associated Files Attachments, wikis, and documents related to the review.Click Submit. You can view the new GR in the general review list.Completing...
Social and Environmental practices:GRS sites are required to meet strict social and environmental requirements. Chemical restrictions:GRS restricts the use of hazardous chemicals in the processing of GRS products with the following requirements: a. Exclusion of problematic chemical substancesaccording to REA...
requirements consistent with the goals of this standard and agree to be inspected by the Certification Body on a random basis. The range of products to be certified is inspired by, but not limited to textile products. In case the party is outsourcing the ...
Order contract, clearly record customer order requirements: includingproduct composition, raw and auxiliary materials compliance, qualityrequirements, and packaging.A9原材料供应商的完整列表Complete list of rawmaterials suppliers原材料供应商的完整列表Complete list of raw materials suppliersA10原料供货商如经GRS...
17、onitoring污水Sewageeveryquarter),relevanttestinicatorsmustconformtotherequirements of appenix 4 of the GRS 4.0 stanar/废水内Sewagetreatmentoperationlog:ailyoperation recorofsewagetreatmentstation/internalmonitoringreport ofwastewaterSewage treatment operation manual anproceuresesignschemetreatmentofsewag 18、...
Manual A manual for detritalPy can be foundhere. Installation pip install detritalpy Upgrading pip install detritalpy --upgrade Requirements Installation of the open data science platform Anaconda by Continuum Analytics will provide most of the required Python modules needed to run detritalPy. The followi...