martin wrote last year that he would have the winds of winter completed in time for this year’s conzealand, which was scheduled to begin july 29 and end on august 2. if the book wasn’t completed by then, martin wrote that he would allow himself to be locked away until he could del...
That’d have everything Game of Thrones viewers loved, from the political intrigue and familial rivalries to big action set-pieces and shocking twists. Part the problem though, is, as Martin outlines, that all the story will have been told by the time he’s finished The Winds of Winter ...
Walter Jon Williams has picked the recipient of the first Terran Prize, the scholarship I am offering to bring writers from overseas to our Land of Enchantment. Here's his official press release: The 2018 Terran Prize, founded by George R.R. Martin and consisting of a full tuition scholarshi...
With Bran a point-of-view character in the books, that means readers will likely experience what happens to Hodor from his perspective when The Winds of Winter releases, giving even deeper insights into exactly what he does and what happens, and how Wylis comes to be Hodor. The net result...