[closed=[], open=[[buffered_nanos=911662800, waiting_for_connection]]] at io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException.fillInStackTrace(StatusRuntimeException.java:68) at io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException.(StatusRuntimeException.java:58) at io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException.(StatusRuntimeException.java:50) at io....
for filename in every_file: cliSockfd.send(filename + ' ') time.sleep(1) cliSockfd.send('EOF') print 'all filename has send to client success!' else: print 'command error' sockfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) sockfd.bind(ADDR) sockfd.listen(5) while True: print 'waiting for con...
//长连接入口 func handleConnection(conn net.Conn,timeout int) { buffer := make([]byte, 2048) for { n, err := conn.Read(buffer) if err != nil { LogErr(conn.RemoteAddr().String(), " connection error: ", err) return } Data :=(buffer[:n]) messnager := make(chan byte) post...
// DialContext creates a client connection to the given target. By default, it's // a non-blocking dial (the function won't wait for connections to be // established, and connecting happens in the background). To make it a blocking // dial, use WithBlock() dial option. // // In...
2024/10/26 11:05:25 Waiting for connection... 2024/10/26 11:05:26 failed to create gRPC connection to collector: context deadline exceeded exit status 1 以下是容器启动日志,老师能帮忙看一下吗 Attaching to tracedemocompose-jaeger-1, tracedemocompose-otel-collector-1 tracedemocompose-jaeger...
I think in your case it would just include "waiting_for_connection," but it could probably be enhanced reasonably easily to include the last connection failure it saw. Since this is at the RPC-level, the failure information is already returned by the LB policy, so it is mainly a matter ...
print('[x] Received %r'%(body.decode(),))#告诉rabbitmq使用callback来接收信息channel.basic_consume(queue = settings.QueueName, on_message_callback =callback)#开始接收信息,并进入阻塞状态,队列里有信息才会调用callback进行处理,按ctrl+c退出print('[*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C...
Whether notls is configured for the connection. Status Connection status. display grpc server connection Function The display grpc server connection command displays gRPC connection information. The display grpc server connection rpc command displays gRPC service connection information based on RPC. Format ...
forconnectRetryNum:=0;;connectRetryNum++{ac.mu.Lock()ifac.backoffDeadline.IsZero(){// This means either a successful HTTP2 connection was established// or this is the first time this addrConn is trying to establish a// connection.backoffFor:=ac.dopts.bs.backoff(connectRetryNum)// time...