indicated that while varying degrees of retained endochondral ossi-fication were observed in the distal ulnar growth plates in all cases, retained endochondral ossification was presentin the distal radial growth plate together with the ulna in one case and in all the growth plates in another case....
Radial dome osteotomy and external coaptation were used to correct forelimb growth deformities with carpal valgus angles of 15 to 43 degrees in 11 dogs (12 forelimbs). Osteotomy sites were clinically healed by week 4. Appearance and function in 10 limbs was good to excellent. The angular ...
The percentage of contribution to the total radius length from the proximal and distal growth plates was 36.76 and 64.73%, respectively, with 95% confidence interval of 2.29%. The percentage of contribution to radius length from the distal radial growth plate increased for each consecutive time ...
Chihuahuas have long been associated with beinghigh maintenance as their owners. There’s a popular expression used to describe these little critters, and that’s “big dogs in small bodies.” They’re filled with spunk and energy, but did you know that they come in evensmaller bodies? The...
By the time your puppy is one year old, he will be close to his full adult height and weight, although these dogs will continue to gain a little bit of weight in the second year of their lives. This is the time when your dog’s growth plates harden and close. ...
Heterotopic vascularized growth plate transfer in juvenile dogs Prior animal studies of vascularized epiphyseal transfers placed growth plates in 2 bone systems where the independent growth of epiphyses and their response to altered stresses has been difficult to assess. This study assessed growth of......
In the present study, the dose of ivermectin was similar to that in Huang et al. [8], which utilized 0.12 mg ivermectin/ mouse/day in a breast cancer model. This dose of iver- mectin is higher than that commonly used in dogs, but appeared well tolerated in the mice based on lack ...
None of our previous cats or dogs have been overweight, but having an indoor cat is new for us. Judy in the UK Reply: Obesity in cats is definitely something to avoid. While some people find "fat cats" cute, it's actually quite sad since it leads to a shorter, uncomfortable life. ...
Uninfected BT cells were run in parallel as a negative control. To prepare a positive control for the HTS, the inhibition efficacy of the antiprotozoal drug pyrimethamine was verified by measuring FLUC activity of wells of assay plates infected with 2.0 × 104 S. neurona + GFP/FLUC ...
Fresh complete growth medium was added to cell culture plates at 16 h post-transfection. Viral supernatant was collected at 48 and 72 h post-transfection, filtered through 0.45-micron sterile filters, concentrated using Lenti-X concentrators (Clontech, Cat no. 631231), and used immediately ...