Prior analysis of bone age is essential, using the Greulich–Pyle atlas for the wrist, and the Sauvegrain–Nahum method for the elbow. There are, however, many other possibilities and, as Bronfen recommends[2], it is wise and useful to use two in a given patient, to minimize risk of ...
Similarly the atlas of the elbow (Brodeur et al., 1981) illustrates the development of the secondary centres in the distal humerus and proximal radius and ulna; and that of the knee (Pyle and Hoerr, 1955) shows the appearance of the patella and secondary centres of the distal femur and ...
The therapist pressing deep with fingers and elbow(!) found and released a lot of old baggage. There are other ways of releasing negative emotional energy by washing and moving energy through the body. T’ai Chi moves chi through the body to release blocks on all kinds of levels, and ...
But Paul got his hand free as soon as he could; and rubbing it gently to and fro on the elbow of his chair, as if his wit were in the palm, and he were sharpening it - and looking at the fire again, as though the fire had been his adviser and prompter - repeated, after a sh...
The joints display remarkably distinct shapes, structure and organization – be it an elbow or an ankle –and contain unique tissues and components including articular cartilage, synovial capsule and lining, and a fluid rich in lubricin and other anti-adhesive molecules (Pitsillides and Ashhurst, ...