Assessment/Do: watch TED talk, complete worksheet Instructional Procedure:1. Make several copies of the fixed vs growth mindset feedback cards. Have the kids work in triads: one person gives the ―a‖ cards to one student and ―b‖ cards to the other. Specify that the statements on ...
“Enlightenment begins when you change your mindset — from a blaming mindset to blessing mindset, from a negative mindset to a positive mindset, from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, from a linear mindset to an exponential mindset.”– Amit Ray “Anyone who can’t change his or her m...
Having a fixed mindset leads to a belief that intelligence and talent are limited, so there is no use in working to develop or learn. And, because they believe they were born with a restriction on their talent, those with a fixed mindset put this same restriction on their effort–and, su...
Assessment/Do: watch TED talk, complete worksheet Instructional Procedure: 1. Make several copies of the fixed vs growth mindset feedback cards. Have the kids work in triads: one person gives the ―a‖ cards to one student and ―b‖ cards to the other. Specify that the statements on the...
A growth mindset means believing you can develop abilities through hard work. In contrast, a fixed mindset means believing abilities are innate—you either...
Marc and Angel aim to make you think, feel, and live better. They help you realize that changing the situation might not always be possible but you can always set your mindset to something that motivates and inspires. 24.Darren Hardy(Be the Exception & ...
those who successfully cultivate a growth mindset understand that anything can be learned with enough time and effort, and that there is no limit to their capacity for intellectual growth. The growth mindset’s counterpart is the fixed mindset, which believes that a person is born with their lev...
OurGoal Tracker Worksheetis a handy tool for getting your goals in writing. Seeing your goals in black and white will help you hold yourself accountable and track your progress along the way. Questions to ask yourself:Do I know the steps to reach my goal? Have I laid out a blueprint for...
“ability” because being smart is not a fixed point, ever. Instead, teachers must explicitly teach students that they have the power to influence their success. The four factors above play a major role in showing students how a growth mindset works rather than just giving it lip service. ...
1. The Mindset Quiz This printable quiz can help determine if you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. There are 10 statements you need to rank between 0 and 3. At the end of the quiz, you add up the numbers you’ve chosen for each statement. A score chart is provided at the...