In Africa, access to the internet and the digital economy it facilitates, are still comparatively small but have gathered greater impetus in recent years. The main thesis of this chapter is that African Founded Firms (AFF) played a significant role in developing the digital infrastructure that ...
The digital economy has become an important engine for stabilizing global economic growth and many Chinese enterprises are looking for opportunities to expand overseas in this sector. In this episode of BizFocus, our AAron Liu and Zhu Zhu find out how some China enterprises have ra...
China's innovative development of the digital economy has promoted rapid patent growth in the core sectors of the industry, said the country's intellectual property regulator on Wednesday. In 2022, the number of invention patents granted in th...
Participants have the opportunity to witness remarkable progress in areas such as digital infrastructure, the digital economy, and digital society at an exhibition dedicated to digital development. A digital product expo, a digital innovation competition, and a series of forums are also set to be he...
According to public data, the penetration rate of AI painting in the field of image content generation will reach 10 to 30 percent in the next five years, and the market scale will exceed 60 billion yuan. The deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy will enable the tran...
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In short, the DFE drives rapid — green — growth through the use of digital technology and digital infrastructure, prioritizing the development of the digital economy as a part of wider national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth. Consumers, enterprises, and governments alike now a...
The purpose of the work is to determine the current influence of the process of digitization of economy on labor efficiency in different countries and to determine the perspectives of growth of labor efficiency in the conditions of the digital economy and to develop recommendations for activating thi...
According to public data, the penetration rate of AI painting in the field of image content generation will reach 10 to 30 percent in the next five years, and the market scale will exceed 60 billion yuan.The deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy will enable the ...
Digital Economy in China's Growth 数字经济在中国的发展 配音:孙锦 The digital economy has become a driving force for sustained and stable growth. 数字经济已成为持续稳定增长的驱动力。 The economic value added of China's d...