在斯坦福教育理念中,有一个叫“成长型思维(growth mindset)”的概念,它是相对固定型思维的一种心智模式,被公认为近几十年里最有影响的心理学研究之一。 研究表明,拥有成长型思维的孩子做事不易放弃,更能从过程中享受到乐趣,更容易寻求帮助,复原...
What is Mindset Psychology? Is it better for a person to be talented or to work hard? What are the implications of thebeliefthat a person is naturally good at things? These questions bring us to the work ofCarol Dweck, noted for her work onmindset psychology, the study of how people's...
美国斯坦福大学心理学教授Carol S.Dweck 在研究中发现,每个人都可能会拥有成长型思维和固定型思维(不论是小孩还是大人都会如此),这两种思维模式对于人们的行为有截然不同的影响效果,一个人更多的拥有成长型思维还是固定型思维,在很大程度上决定他今后性格的发展和能力的成长。 简单来说,growth mindset和fixed mindset的...
Dweck’s team hasn’t yet looked at whether growth-mindset organizations actually perform better, as measured by financial returns and other metrics. “That’s our burning question,” she says. But the findings so far suggest that at a minimum, growth-mindset firms have happier employees and ...
Carol Dweck gave a TED talk about how we are to make the next generation of students successful. We are to do this by turning students with a fixed mindset into ones with a growth mindset and to reinforce that growth mindset. The basic difference between these mindsets is how one approaches...
Having a growth mindset can completely change your life—but what is a "growth mindset," exactly, and how can it benefit you?First, some history: In her book Mindset, psychologist Carol S. Dweck introduced the idea that people have two different types of mindsets—a fixed mindset and a gr...
A“fixed intelligence mindset,” according to Dweck, holds on to the belief that a person’sintelligence, character, and creativity are all static givens that they can change, and that the affirmation of that inherent intelligence issuccess. To carry on the sense of being smart or skilled in ...
Dr. Carol Dweck, a researcher from Stanford University, introduced the world to two very important types of mindsets: fixed mindset and growth mindset. Here is my affiliate link to her book onAmazon. She states that the right mindset plays a major factor in our development from children to ...
" They understood that their abilities could grow through their hard work. They had what I would call a "growth mindset." But for other children it was tragic, catastrophic from their more fixed mindset perspective their core intelligence had been tested and devastated. Instead of the power of...
1. Agrowth mindsetis belief you can develop abilities.– Carol Dweck Everyday Application: A growth mindset doesn’t mean that you think you will suddenly become the best at everything you try. It means that you arewilling to tryand develop your current abilities to be even better and disc...