If you adopted one of these kittens, give him plenty of love onhis terms.He has to go through his teenage years and explore his independence, but once he’s through the full kitten growth chart stages should return to your lap in no time! We hope this kitten growth chart proves valuable...
Other times I would just look up at the ceiling or at the crucifix hanging on the wall above the bed. I would also stare at a framed print of a teenaged Jesus hanging on the wall, near the bedroom closet. The gilded image always bothered me because—at least as I perceived it—a d...
I don't remember any height issues but I was mortified that it seemed like every girl in class had hit puberty before I did. They were all discussing things that I had no clue about, like periods and sex and bras, and in fact everyone was wearing a bra in the changing rooms before ...
We are used to the intensity of sunlight from the closest star, our Sun. If we know our exact time of birth and exact location, we can have produced for us our astrological birth chart. Based on the planets in our home solar system, and the distant (though not on the astral levels) ...