Controlling Metabolism They may be used to gain an advantage, e.g. producing antibiotics which will inhibit or kill other microbes competing for the same resources. Some of these secondary metabolites can be useful to humans, and so these microbes are harvested on an industrial scale to mass pr...
MicrobialNutrition •Nutrientrequirements•Nutritionaltypesofmicroorganisms•UptakeofNutrientsbytheCell•CultureMedium•IsolationofPureCultures NutrientrequirementsConcepts:Microorganismsrequireabouttenelementsinlargequantities,becausetheyareusedtoconstructcarbohydrates,lipids,proteins,andnucleicacids.Severalotherelementsare...
Plant nutrition is affected by a combination of rhizobial inoculant and soil edaphic factors. A Experimental design for growth and harvesting of soil, microbe and plant material. Seeds were germinated in plates for 2 days and moved to perlite pots, inoculated 1 day later, then moved to soil ...
Legumes such as peas, chickpeas, and soybeans are able to benefit from such association and attain significant growth. Azotobacter species is one of the major microorganisms found suitable for improving plant nitrogen nutrition and can be used for large-scale production of such products. It helps ...
6–1.MicrobialNutrition •Nutrientrequirements •Nutritionaltypesofmicroorganisms •UptakeofNutrientsbytheCell •CultureMedium •IsolationofPureCultures Microorganismsrequireabouttenelementsinlarge quantities,becausetheyareusedtoconstruct carbohydrates,lipids,proteins,andnucleicacids. Severalotherelementsareneededin...
A novel use of nanotitania (TNs) as agents in the nanointerface interaction between plants and colonization of growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) is presented. The effectiveness of PGPRs is related to the effectiveness of the technology used for their formulation. TNs produced by the Captigel ...
The microbial composition of the jejunal samples showed that microbes of the genera Lactobacillus and Romboutsia had the highest relative abundance in all treatment groups (Figure 1). The effects of the experimental treatments on the relative abundance of genera in the small intestine of broilers are...
Determining the physicochemical properties of anthill and termite mound soils and their combinations with ordinary top soil and the assessment of their effects on the germination, growth and yield performance of eggplant and okra under screenhouse conditions, were the goals of this study. The six soi...
Harboring bacterial communities in the rhizosphere plays an important role in the growth and development of plants. These rhizobacteria, termed PGPR, help plants in acquisition of nutrition [4], stress management or mediate induced systemic resistance (ISR) in plants which is phenotypically similar to...