分享回复赞 奥斯卡吧 bill9355 【88】美国退休人员协会(AARP) Movies for Grownups Awards获奖Best Movie for Grownups Who Refuse to Grow Up: Pete Docter, Inside OutBest Foreign Film: Rams (Iceland)http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2016/01/05/aarp-movies-for-grownups/78330090/... 分享...
好吧 今天怎么回事 Okay, what is up today? 为什么每个人都在对我说这句话 Why is everyone saying that to me? 因为我们都知道昨晚你给Joey的小丁丁 Because we all know you gave Joeys dinga-ling 来了一整套Zoey Johnson造型体验 the full Zoey Johnson Styling Experience last night. 我给他的什么来...