Now some of these mods we added in the hopes of helping servers resources and to help the player have a better starting position. A few others we added in hopes of better immersion and roleplay availability. Thank you for your time, adventurers! Happy Growing!
Members MagicianOwner WitherBeanAuthor Original Datapack made by:WitherBean Datapack Modified by:Magician Phase 6+ model debris made by:WitherBean Dead Body by: Magician
Mobs suffocate / go through blocks when growing up near a solid block Type:Bug Resolution:Fixed Fix Version/s:21w05a,24w19a Affects Version/s:Snapshot 13w06a,Snapshot 13w07a,Snapshot 13w09a,Snapshot 13w09b,Minecraft 1.5,(52) Minecraft 1.5.1,Minecraft 1.5.2,Snapshot 13w17a,Snapshot 13...
The Tree Growing Simulator mod basically makes a few changes to how saplings work in the game. Traditionally, players can’t really do much to influence the growth of saplings but, thanks to this mod, sapling growth can actually be sped up by different techniques. With this mod applied, y...
A common type of gaming video is a walkthrough, where somebody plays a game, commentating as they progress through the game. One of the reasons for Minecraft’s popularity (despite its old-time graphics) is that the game is easily moddable, and the filmmakers make use of this feature in...
)Lnet/minecraft/class_1; method_4084 makeCrashReport + m ()Ljava/lang/Throwable; method_7 getCrashCause + m ()Ljava/lang/String; method_9 getCauseStackTraceOrString + m ()Ljava/lang/String; method_10 getCompleteReport + m ()Ljava/io/File; method_11 getFile + m ()Lnet/minecraft/...
Members HowlinKnightOwner
Another resource pack/Mod that makes the Wither storm like Minecraft: Story Mode. There may be problems during the construction phase. If you have problems, you can come to our discord server My Youtube Channel: ...