Cabbage can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, wrapped lightly in plastic. Make sure it is dry before storing. In proper root cellar conditions, cabbage will keep for up to 3 months.See our article on root cellars. Follow this old-time technique to get the most out of ...
Most of us though, tend to be more selective about which cabbage we want to plant in our vegetable garden or when we want to harvest them. I like to sow cabbage seed in the autumn so I can lift them in the spring and enjoy fresh vegetables at a time when there may be few about. ...
This vegetable’s name comes from the Latin wordscaulis, for cabbage, andfloris, for flower. It’s a descendant of wild cabbage! Like its cousinbroccoli, the tightly bunched florets of cauliflower are connected by a thick core, often with a few light leaves surrounding it. ...
Growing Pak Choi in Containersis super easy! It is an ideal vegetable for gardeners as it grows quickly and doesn’t take a lot of space! Table of contents Pak choi is acabbage familyplant that grows best in moderately cool weather like other brassicas. It is one of the varieties ofAsia...
Four Season Chinese Cabbage Seeds Hybrid Vegetable Seeds 1. Middle early maturity, about 60-75 days from transplantation to harvest. 2. Pointed head weight about 1.5-2 kg. 3. Late bolting, adapted to over-wintering and spring production. Specification Green Cabbage Seeds Ger...
Red cabbage. Once your cabbage head has formed and grown it is time for the most exciting part: harvesting! You’ve spent weeks nurturing and caring for this plant, now it’s time to enjoy the bounty. Harvesting To tell if your cabbage is ready to pick, gently squeeze the head. If it...
For cabbage rolls, I just cut the nerve off close to the root. Then I boil the leaves two and two for just a few minutes before filling them. This will make the leaves nice and soft, but I can still fold them without them breaking. The recipe comes from my mother, I might add ...
Get It Growing: Time to prepare fall seeds for greens Randy LaBauve [Video](/6/21) What do broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower have in common? They’re all from the same family and they all grow in the fall. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Heather Kirk-...
And here are some poor companions:growing beans avoid chives, garlic, leeks, onion, and shallots; growing beets avoid pole beans; growing cabbage family crops avoid kohlrabi and pole beans; growing carrots avoid dill; growing corn avoid tomatoes; growing cucumbers avoid potatoes and sage; growing...
The 10-day window that is most successful for widespread garden planting is May 15–25. Cool crops and warm crops: If you’d like to split your gardening task and plant some vegetables early, “cool season” crops can tolerate frosts between 28 and 32 degrees. Broccoli, cabbage, carrots,...