000 plants—none of us do. But you’ve got to have something to work with that has some weight, and you don’t all of a sudden sneeze and then, “Where’d they go?” [Laughter.]
These evergreen trees found all over U.S. make a huge amount of pollen in the spring. That thick yellow layer of powder all over your car is likely from pine trees, but it's probably not what’s making you sneeze. The heavy waxy coating that makes it easy to see also keeps it fro...
For over three years, I’ve practiced proper handwashing and no longer cough or sneeze into my hands. I still mask when I use public transportation and whenever I fly between Europe and the States. On one flight home from the States, I shared a three-seat section with a middle-aged whi...
SneezeweedMariachi™ Siesta SneezeweedHappy Days SunflowerIcicles Licorice PlantFalse SunflowerBleeding Hearts False SunflowerTuscan Gold™ False SunflowerSunstruck False SunflowerTuscan Sun False SunflowerFragrant Delight HeliotropeAnna's Red Hellebore...