Orchids are pretty smart, as flowers go. Although they probably won't ever learn advanced calculus, they have evolved in some cool ways to ensure that they continue to spread and grow. Other varieties, have developed their own means for luring pollen-spreading insects. Here are a few examples...
Orchids by their very makeup have bilateral symmetry, meaning that one side of a flower is a mirror image of the other, just like a human face. People appreciate those clean lines of symmetry, making them more likely to admire the beauty of the bloom [source:Kramer]. A male coppery-hea...
Huge containers and bushels not just oblige a few orchids, they additionally leave a lot of space for other foliage. In the event that you need the appearance of numerous orchids without the enormous grower, consider putting a few orchids on a little table or seat toward the edge of a ...
If you love orchids, but struggle with making them thrive or last longer, follow these top tips for growing orchids, from gardening experts.
I would have to say it is the combination of drought and shade tolerance, deer-resistance, evergreen foliage in warmer climates, and dainty flowers that from a distance, resemble some orchids. Yes, they are deer resistant! Which is a good thing because I would hate to see what would happe...
Care Of Orchids After Flowering When you purchase or receive your phalaenopsis orchid, it will ideally have a flower or two and quite a few buds waiting to open. Phals tend to bloom for a long time, so you can look forward to enjoying blooms for several months. When your plant has fini...
but it can flower all year long. Most of the flowers never even open. As the name suggests, when they do open, they are very fragrant after the sun goes down. Unlike most orchids, the night-scented Epidendrum can self-pollinate and does not require insect pollinators. It is also common...
They’ve been doing so for almost 30 years. Cost is a little higher than competitors but worth every penny.” A different grower added, “Canna – I have only used their coco line, but it is the highest quality you will find.” Dyna-Gro Originally designed for orchids, Dyna-Gro ...
Cut flowers for arrangements when they are just showing color. Vase life is 3 to 7 days. Gardening Products Wit and Wisdom Irises are called the “poor man’s orchids.” The iris is depicted in the French royal standardfleur-de-lis.It is the emblem of New Orleans, Louisiana, and Florenc...
This particular rose doesn’t look like the rest. The single-petaled blooms open wide, continually bloom and are borne on clusters. They’re pretty massive, and they easily cover the entire foliage. Height:3 ft Flower Color:Pink Bonica ...