Growing Onions indoors is really quite easy. Onions are persistent and those roots just want to grow. See tips forgrowing them in water, and in containers.
Growing Onions from Seed Indoors For the earliest start, sow onion seeds into plug trays or pots to transplant later as seedlings. This avoids the need for thinning out, encourages a more economical use of seeds and, given the protection of a greenhouse or cold frame, means sowing can start...
In the past year, both Ben Vanheems and I have written about the virtues of growing onions from seed. We left out many small details, which I've been keeping track of in recent weeks as I've been growing onions from seed myself. Please bear in mind that I am an onion maniac, and...
so starting seeds indoors is recommended for cooler climates, not directly sowing outdoors. Growing from seed also allows you to choose more interesting and different varieties vs ordering onion sets. Check out our tips forgrowing onions from seed. ...
We prefer to grow onions from seed rather than from a set because we noticed that onions grown from seed tend to be more bolt resistant than onions grown from set. Onion seedlings, grown at home in small trays. We’re growing two varieties, Long Red Florence and Record Rosso Tondo Tropea...
Tomato seeds are commonly started indoors 6 to 8 weeks before they are transplanted into the garden. Tomato seedlings are usually potted up about 10 days after they have sprouted—potted up from seed starting tray into a small pot, and again in another 10 days when they are about 6 to 8...
Growing Onions from Seeds Normally onions grown by seed need at least four months to mature. Northern gardeners have to start their seeds inside in order to eek out an onion. Cool weather causes the tops to grow and warm weather causes the bulb to grow. ...
Like their cousins onions and garlic, leeks are members of the Allium family, though they are harder to find, giving them a bit of a rare and special reputation. Lucky for us gardeners, learning how to grow leeks is quite simple! Their mild, delicious sweetness and helpful vitamins and ...
Growing Onions Indoors– Did you know that you can grow onions from their parts? Propagating Pineapples– Use the leafy top to grow a new pineapple plant. Ripening Tomatoes on the Vine– 13 tips to trick Mother Nature into getting those green tomatoes red. ...
Explore the types of culinary herbs, herb garden design, tips for growing herbs indoors, from seed or in pots, plus cool ideas like hydroponic herb kits.