so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;Berean Standard Bibleso that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work,...
an invitation from mike and genel nichols to journey with us to the Word. it is our firm belief that the way to know God, find peace, and live with joy is through growing in, and applying the Word. take the journey with us!
We are getting closer, hang in there, keep reading, try NOT to scroll, my prayer is that you will learn from my mistakes and only grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Remember I said we bought a house? Well the town we moved to was about an hour ...
First, we need to start processing everything in our lives through the sovereignty of God. Everything that happens to us has been filtered through God’s loving hands. If He has allowed it, He can and will use it for our good and His glory if we belong to Him (Rom. 8.28). Romans ...
8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductivein your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.9But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind,forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins. ...
In what ways have you heard the voice of Jesus? What is your response to Jesus? What is your response to those who reject the message and signs of Jesus that say he is the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God? Jake Ballard is pastor at Timberland Bible Church. If you’d like to ...
·don't fall away·everyday christianity sermon·Following God·Following Jesus·growing·growing in Christ·growing in christ Jesus·growing in GOD·growing in grace & the knowledge of Jesus·growing up in Christ·growing up in God·growingingrace·growingraceandtheknowldgeofJesus·growingupinchrist...
God could very easily call an end to all the chaos on earth. Christ could return and rain judgment down upon all the wicked. Instead, through His patience, more and more people are being saved by the knowledge of the cross. If that’s how God operates, can we do any less. Too often...
s Word. The Bible is inexhaustible, alive, powerful and necessary as we grow in our faith. It is truly a blessing from the Hand of God and we are praying that He makes it come alive to us through these studies. Grow deeper in your depth and knowledge of who God is, and His Will ...
4. Mysticism Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia defines "mysticism" as "an immediate, direct, intuitive knowledge of God or of ultimate reality attained through personal religious experience". Experiences are being set up as the criteria for truth. The danger lies in that when experience is the ...