Scripture to Live By: Matthew 28:1-7 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake:… ...
Ernest H. Richards is the author of "Growing In Grace: Eight Biblical Studies to Help Establish believers In Christ" and a college Bible teacher of 25 years.
Or do you think the scripture means nothing when it says, “The spirit that God caused to live within us has an envious yearning”? But He gives greater grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but He gives grace to the humble.” So submit to God. But resist the devil ...
We had numerous arguments as we discussed scripture. I felt like a yoke of slavery was being put around my neck; one that I had not asked for. But for keeping the peace I tried to work within his new “convictions”. I felt like my husband was becoming more of a stranger with every...
Laura Grace 1 John abidingdisciplesofchrist·disciplesofjesus·discipling·don't fall away·everyday christianity sermon·Following God·Following Jesus·growing·growing in Christ·growing in christ Jesus·growing in GOD·growing in grace & the knowledge of Jesus·growing up in Christ·growing up in...
Because she grew up in the Worldwide Church of God, also known as Grace Communion International, Fleur Brown was inundated with apocalyptic Bible verses and a fear of people outside her community. She described how, for much of her early life, she worried aboutthe end of the world: ...
In His mercy and grace, God allowed Esau to be a significant person (for Abraham’s sake). But Esau’s descendants are a footnote in history, and the man himself is a negative example in Scripture. Esau is a warning that you can burn your standing with God. Psalms 103:8-10 contains...
This is a person who has no interest in the commandments of God. When I use the word “commandments” I am not referring only to the ten commandments, but to the will of God as revealed in scripture. I believe this is how Jesus is using the word. What is important about the word,...
Certainly scripture is clear, that not only the world, but also much of the Church will do the same in the last days! THE TRUE ARMY This Joel's Army is being mistaken for the wonderful, glorious Army that Joel is talking about. In Malachi the Word of God says, "But who may abide ...
Growing up in a Christian home is an amazing privilege. We are taught so much – the stories and truths of Scripture, the basics of the gospel, the attributes of God, and so much more. We are also protected from much – immoral movies and television shows, ungodly friends, inappropriate ...