Various passages in the Hebrew scriptures, or Old Testament, compare wine with blood. One such passage describes wine as the "blood of grapes" (Genesis 49:11). Blood was an important element in ancient Jewish religious sacrifices. It was offered in acceptance of covenants, or agreements, ...
We know we need to develop and grow and so many like me; search the scriptures for answers. There are no scriptures to tell you that it’s childish to get fussy about food, or to preach at everyone all the time or other than the famous Mary and Martha story; when we might be over...
Last Things: Death and the Apocalypse in the Middle Ages In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: From Decay to Splendor Body and Pain in Bonvesin da la Riva's Book ofthe Three Scriptures Manuele Gragnolati BONVESIN DA LA RIVA'S Book of the Three Scriptures is an...
Hindu scriptures, and religious paraphernalia. We wanted to rid ourselves of every tie with the past and with the powers of darkness that had blinded and enslaved us for so long.
This is a choice that God made. If you look at the Scriptures that use this word, you come to a conclusion. This type of love is a choice that’s made to actively participate in someone’s life for their good. When I bowed my knee to Christ, God took it upon Himself to begin ac...
Meekness combats the sin of anger in our lives. We know that Jesus was totally submissive to the will of the Father, and was never given tosinfulanger, as we see in the Scriptures. This is the kind of meekness that we need to aspire to. ...
Are Paul’s writings (and the other apostolic writings in the New Covenant Scriptures) what Jesus alluded to in John 16? I was asked this question in an email recently: “Another question, some at hrm [Hebrew Roots Movement/Torah pursuant folks] say there is the gospel of Jesus vs the ...
This will probably be the best $10 I ever spent. I encourage you to get this concise book from our former teacher at New Tribes Bible Institute, Ernest Richards. It would be hard to find a man with a greater knowledge of and passion for the Scriptures. ...
This Joel's Army concept totally contradicts the scriptures. Is this kind of earth changing, earth sweeping revival what Jesus meant when He said, "It will be as the days of Noah"? Noah obviously spent those years in which he was laboring to build the ark also laboring to turn men back...
I called this blog “Growing in Light” because that is what I’m searching for. Light. One of my favorite scriptures is in the Doctrine and Covenants 50:23-25 it reads ” And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness. That which is of God is light; and he that...