Classic perennial kitchen herbs such as French tarragon, chives, sage or thyme, are all available as transplants. While you could try to grow some of them from seed, it’s generally not worth it. The reason: it takes more than a season to get most perennial herbs to grow big enough fr...
Explore the types of culinary herbs, herb garden design, tips for growing herbs indoors, from seed or in pots, plus cool ideas like hydroponic herb kits.
Also check out my tutorial forstarting seeds in peat pellets. I chose some kitchen garden herbs to start this way. I’ve also got a recipe for aDIY seed starting mixyou can use to start seeds. Overgrown perennial herbs can benefit from division and most herbs will grow from cuttings. Get...
Herbs are a great addition to the garden. Not only do they complement your home-grown veggies in the kitchen, they also make for excellentcompanion plantsin the garden itself. Click here to open an expanded version of this chart in a new tab:Growing Guide to Herbs ...
Whether you wish to have just a few herbs growing near your kitchen sink, or an enclosed herb garden next to your potager, the trick to being an herbal green thumb is to know the herbs you wish to grow. All plants, including herbs, need certain cultural requirements in order to reach...
You can plant a window box or a half whiskey barrel with your favorite cooking herbs, or keep a few small pots on a sunny windowsill. Rosemary plants live outside during the summer, and over winter can live in the kitchen window in a pot. More Articles Growing Seed Herbs ...
A small space is all you need to grow a gourmet herb garden but if space is really limited or even non-existent, culinary herbs grow well in containers. Use window boxes, hanging baskets, or a whiskey barrel to grow a mini-garden of kitchen herbs. Even though I have large patches of ...
Always wanted fresh, homegrown herbs for the pickings? Be sure to check out these top tips for successfully growing an indoor herb garden.
While it will depend on what herbs would be most useful in your kitchen, basil, sage, thyme, chives, oregano, parsley and mint areall consideredto be easy for everyone to tend, including those born without green thumbs. How To Find The Best Herb Garden Kit ...