Another trick with spring onions is to pull up the whole bulb and then cut off only the green part to use in cooking. Place the white bulb in a glass of water and it will sprout new growth indoors. Great fun for the kids! You can do the same thing with spring onions purchased from...
This time of year you can start scallions from seed, and visit local markets in search of "tropical shallots" -- bunching onions that are adapted to hot climates and grow as perennials. Good luck!"Barbara Pleasant on Monday 25 April 2016 "My seed onions are about 2 inches tall now. ...
Harvest bunching onions soonGill, Daniel J
Personally this has been a difficult part for me where I am really good getting the early vegetables started on time (onions, peppers, tomatoes) but when it comes to the later plants and/or second/third plantings is where I begin to get forgetful. Over the years I have come across a c...
Forest Green– This is likely the most common variety in your area. Its stems are long and upright, which allows for easy bunching. Forest Green is drought resistant and is unlikely to discolor in the sweltering summer heat. It will grow 10-12 inches tall. ...
Harvest bunching onions nowBlanchard, Tobie M
Harvest bunching onions nowGill, Daniel J
Plant bunching onions nowGill, Daniel J
Plant bunching onions nowBlanchard, Tobie M