Tangy and sour, lemon adds flavor to every cuisine. Learn How to Grow a Lemon Tree in Pot easily in this article with all the required information!
Extrakta SagePurple SageTricolor SageWinter SavorySweetleafHi Ho Silver ThymeVariegated Broadleaf ThymeLavender Scented ThymeEnglish Thyme; Common ThymeEnglish ThymeFrench ThymeOregano ThymeSilver Posie ThymeLemon ThymeGolden Lemon ThymeLime ThymeVariegated Society Garlic...
I remember Mom making the tree skirt from this pattern, the ornaments, and I think the wreath. I’m not sure if she made the large stockings or not. I don’t remember seeing them if so. I know Dad still has the tree skirt and ornaments. She also made a matching table runner which...
OMRI is a non-profit organization that evaluates products and materials for their suitability in producing, processing, and handling organic foods and fibers. OMRI evaluates the component materials in fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, bactericides and other growing and processing aids. See the OMRI...
This is my own image of an olive tree, that I started a couple of years ago from a cutting that Abbie Zabar convinced me to ‘just take it and root it in a glass of water’. Today, it’s 5 feet tall, and trained as a topiary in the same style as Abbie’s now out-of-print...
I have the Chocolate Lime which is delicious and I'm really looking forward to trying all the other flavors. Thank you for creating products that not only smell and taste great, but are also safe and effective. As a dermatologist, It is wonderful to have amazing products that I can use ...
Leaf colors include variegated white, lime green, and blue-green, to name just a few. The texture and shape of hosta leaves are also diverse, ranging from smooth and narrow to ridged and heart-shaped. Though mainly known for their interesting foliage, the plants also produce lovely flowers...
dill, chervil, marjoram, sage, thyme, bay leaf. You can also grow tropical herbs, like Curry Leaf Tree, Lemon Grass, Kaffir Lime, Vietnamese Coriander, Cuban Oregano, Culantro (Vietnamese Cilantro), Cinnamon, Curry Leaf, Tamarind, Ginger/Galangal/Tumeric, Cardamom, Pepper (Black Peppercorns...
Saintpaulia, clearly a must-have Common vervain health benefits and therapeutic value Related posts Plants to winterize and how to give them shelter Citrus mitis, the dwarf orange tree Pruning finger lime, scaffold vs productive branches Citron, the hand of Buddha Sooty mold, techniques and ...
We eat Gonzalez Foerster’s homegrown aubergines, spiked with lime, chilli and cumin, and wrapped in chewy erkuai, a local rice cake. Beside us, a mandarin tree is just coming into bloom, cream and yellow blossoms dancing lightly in the breeze. ‘When friends come to visit,’ he te...