运动视频太多了,整理了一些自己喜欢的方便训练。P1 超低强度适非常适合入门或者经期训练,也可以和家里长辈一起做。P2 全身燃脂TABATA训练。包含热身,24分钟时有一分钟休息。P3 很酸爽!休息时也要举手臂,全程基本没有放下手臂的时候。注意不要耸肩,斜方肌代偿。P4 需要
自己编辑了一下nct2023专辑新曲mv和track video,以及一些比较喜欢的划曲。mv左下角放着一边看划人劲歌热舞一边跟jo姐踏步燃脂。, 视频播放量 2、弹幕量 13、点赞数 617、投硬币枚数 195、收藏人数 2301、转发人数 144, 视频作者 内裤不能反着穿, 作者简介 booooooooooooooo
Jo姐(growwithjo)一周健身课表第3弹来啦!这周也要继续加油哦!本周的重点是全身燃脂训练,一起来打卡!DAY 140分钟全身TABATA燃脂训练 O草莓味鸡胸肉13分钟Get Hype热舞派对舞蹈操 O草莓味鸡胸肉DAY 215分钟1英里站姿腹肌训练 O草莓味鸡胸肉13分钟Soca Dance燃脂舞蹈操 O草莓味鸡胸肉DAY 370分钟5英里低冲击暴汗...
- *new* dance workouts - Walk the Weight Off workouts - Tabata Torch Training - Sweaty HIIT Sessions - Pilates-inspired low impact muscle toning - Beginner-friendly Strength Workouts Jo will be with you every step of the way; never have to guess again what workout you should do. ...
- *new* dance workouts - Walk the Weight Off workouts - Tabata Torch Training - Sweaty HIIT Sessions - Pilates-inspired low impact muscle toning - Beginner-friendly Strength Workouts Jo will be with you every step of the way; never have to guess again what workout you should do. ...
20220201 2/1-22 大年初一 Grow with jo 10min 维密体雕训练部分 Pamela 10min ab 臀部训练:螃蟹侧移25+25*2 蹬墙颤抖每边1分钟*2 蚌式开合每边10+10+10+10*2 四足蹬腿每边15*2 Just dance 8首26min 全身拉伸 2...
Grow a Generation is one of the most unique adventures in STEM Education in the country! We makes meaningful Science, Technology, Engineering and Math [STEM] projects possible. We partner with students in grades 3-16, teachers and schools and help them b
A beautiful and delicate dance is *** . a) yummy b) exquisite c) tops d) warm and fuzzy In the final performance, who does Nina stab? a) Lily b) herself c) Thomas d) her mother A sudden change for the better is called a *** . ...
Where Did You Grow Up? Where did you grow up? I spent most of my childhood in the Michigan suburbs, where my siblings and I rode bikes down dirt roads, my first job was at the neighborhood pizza place, and we’d ring in the fall with donuts at the cider mill....
The Let's Dance games are basically shovelware, although certainly not the worst of it (RCXMDXX, or whatever he's called, is often guilty of churning out REAL shovelware; but at least he's not a developer with multiple billions of dollars and near-endless resources ...