Our core growing principles not only assure that what you take home with you is safe for your family and your pets, but they also produce the most beautiful plants in middle Tennessee. Vanleer isn’t exactly on your way to the grocery store (well, not for most of you anyway), so we...
More From: Fruit Vegetables Tomato Planting Guide: Growing, Harvesting, and Table Tips How to Ripen Tomatoes How to Choose a Tomato for Your Garden Heirloom and Hybrid Tomatoes Growing Early-Season Tomatoes for Great Taste How to Plant and Grow Eggplant Melon Seed Starting Tips ...
This deep dark tobacco is great for cigar wrappers and snuff. Tennesse Burley | Cigarettes, Chew, Dip, Pipes, Snuff - appr. 100 Seeds This is a standard Tennessee Burley that produces good yield, high quality tobacco that is favored for cigarettes. This plant has multiple disease resistance....
A well-sharpenedgarden knifecan be invaluable in cutting cabbage from thick stems. A short-handled machete also works well here, as it does when harvesting other heavy vegetables such as winter squash. Well-sharpenedgarden shearsdo a great job of harvesting herbs and leafy vegetables such as lea...
vegetables to eat and grow, and may be my best recommendation for new gardeners. Plant seeds early in the spring and give them a small trellis for support. I actually usesmall tomato cages. Pick often and eat them right out of the garden. They’re also a great first plant for kids to...
drained soil in order to thrive. A variety of diseases affect Tennessee strawberries--verticillium wilt, leaf spot, anthracnose, leaf scorch and leaf blight just to name a few. A few strawberry cultivars, such as Allstar and Earliglow, grow well in Tennessee and show resistance to such ...
When Nancy Flexer opened the door to her classroom near the end of her final school year, all 41 years of her career as a beloved first-grade teacher came to life right in front of her. Cole Elementary School in Tennessee surprised Flexer with a memorable and emotional retirement party feat...
using conservative pricing estimates, California’s marijuana economy is the largest cash crop in the state – more than grapes, vegetables and hay combined. Put another way, the largest cash crop in the world’s eighth largest economy in the world is poised to enter into legal circulation...
Over the last ten years, my travel schedule has remained pretty constant in the late winter and spring: a.k.a. farmers market/agricultural conference season. Sometimes it means that I am leaving New Orleans during Carnival season, (or my fav festival event) theTennessee Williams Literary Festiv...
Aint nothin better than corn bread made in iron skilet 2 Reply MJ 3 years ago Yes!!! Here in East Tennessee, “shuck beans” are still a must have for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners so I still try to dry enough annually for those meals. This year, we’re in the pr...