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Common name.Beet, beetroot (United Kingdom), garden beet, red beet, beet greens Botanical name.Beta vulgaris(Swiss chard and sugar beets are related to beets) Origin.Southern Europe Beet cultivars:Beets come in all shades of red; new cultivars are yellow or white on the inside. ...
A great addition to your spring or fall garden plot, beetroot is high in fiber and rich in vitamins A and C. Beet greens are also tasty raw, braised, or stir-fried, Their bright green foliage with red veins and stems will brighten up your garden beds, t
Step 2. Sowing Beetroot Seeds Here, make several rows, one foot apart, on your prepared planting site. Next, use a small stick to make half-inch holes at one to two inches apart on the rows and sow your beetroot seeds. Cover the sowed seeds with a thin layer of soil. Note:A single...
Beets—which are also known by their less popular name, beetroot—are the edible taproot portion of the beet plant, says Natasha Nicholes, the executive director ofWe Sow We Grow. "They just happen to grow large and round or oblong instead of straight down like other plants (I'm looking...
Beetrootis another easy grow, perfect for little ones, and it’s known as a superfood because it’s packed with antioxidants. 1.Plant your seeds outside between March and June, either into20cm potsor into the ground that you prepared (read more in the Breaking ground section abov...
GARDENING: Take the Healthy Route to Grow Your BeetrootRead the full-text online article and more details about "GARDENING: Take the Healthy Route to Grow Your Beetroot" by Wild, Adrienne - Sunday Mirror (London, England), March 5, 2000By WildAdrienneSunday Mirror...
How to grow beetroot seeds Top 5 Lawn Grass Seeds Suitable For Yard and Business Purposes 8:26 How to sow and grow Sweetcorn Seeds 4:52 2:27 How to monetize your bamboo 16:38 How to sow courgette seeds 5:15 3:19 Face Book Farmville Seed Guide: Your Complete Guide to Everything You...
Beetroot– is easy to grow from seed, in the ground or a pot. Sow directly into the soil in April to July, in medium to light, neutral to slightly alkaline soil that has not been recently manured. Keep well watered and weeded. Round varieties will be ready to harvest from 11 weeks....
Drag beet buddy to beetroot plant to farm more candy and use this to unlock new types of sweets for your beet buddy and hatch even more beet buddies!When they grow big enough they will give you more candies! Watch the world grow green.Manage the amount of candy you have carefully so ...