Through a process known as regeneration, brittle stars are able to regrow lost arms. Sea cucumbers are not spiny-skinned. They have an ovoid body, similar to the shape of a real cucumber. Sea cucumbers have a habit of shooting out milky and sticky fluid as a defense tactic when disturbed...
” interest groups try to form coalitions with other groups concerned about similar issues or legislation. Combining their efforts allows the groups to multiply the influence of the individual groups, as well as share the costs of lobbying. Most importantly, the alliance of several groups imparts ...
"Similar to proposals that were considered in the Senate in July, we believe the Graham-Cassidy Amendment would result in millions of Americans losing their health insurance coverage, destabilize health insurance markets, and decrease access to affordable coverage and care," wrote AMA Executive V...
Data were drawn from the AARP Loneliness and Social Connections Survey with a national sample of community dwelling adults age 45+ years (M=61.84, SD=10.12; N=4040). Participants self-identified as White non-Hispanic (N=3149), Black non-Hispanic (N=420), or Hispanic (N=472). A series...
AARP, the group that lobbies on behalf of seniors, writes that people should be able to return hearing aids within 60 days of purchase. AARP argues that since the proposed rule says hearing aids can be refurbished and resold, "the device does not become unusable, worthless, or otherwise tai...
Designing class activities that enable students to interact with older adults in meaningful ways is one of the most powerful tools of undergraduate gerontological education. This chapter describes the benefits of participating in intergenerational discus
AARP-powerful lobbyforpeople over55withalot ofcloutonissues likeSocialSecurity andprescription drugs.Seniors voteinlarge numbers Publicinterestgroups:groupsthatlobbyfor benefitsandintereststhatarenotlimitedto itsmembers ConsumerGroups: Nader’sRaiders
The bill allows health insurers to charge an older person up to five times as much as someone who is younger for the same coverage, compared to the 3-to-1 ratio allowed under the Affordable Care Act. The AARP isalready organizingits members to oppose the legislation for this reason. ...
Simpson's possible introduction of legislation to prevent the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and similar groups from receiving federal grant money. June 20, 1995 hearing on the tax-exempt status of AARP; Simpson's evaluation of AARP about whether it uses its tax-exempt status to...
AARP DIETHEALTHWOMENAGEPREVALENCECARCINOMAOBESITYDISEASEBackground Reports of similar age-specific incidence rates and a female-to-male gender disparity by racial/ethnic groups suggests that further consideration of race-specific patterns may confer insight into the possible causes of thyroid cancer or ...