Never miss out again on a special promotion or coupon. Get discounts on the go while not having to worry about printing out any Groupon coupons. Just save yours to your app, and show it on your smartphone! And when you download the app, you'll also have the luxury of being alerted ...
I ordered through a groupon coupon a promotion of 5 pillowcase with little girl princess on it for $19.99. Then I get a $30+ shipping charge for what is the lightest weight package imaginable. This really upsets me as such a false promotion. If there are all these kind of hidden cha...
I bought a coupon for hair to be done at a salon and it was cancelled by Groupon themselves and they would not refund my money; only offered me trade for Groupon Bucks. As this is so wrong and i will not take it, i turned them over to the California Consumers Affairs board to che...
Whew. Sorry, but you get the picture. Now, let’s think about MOLRS in relation to small business. First, small business owners (SBOs) care deeply aboutlocation. Are they in a good location? Will customers be able to find them? Is there parking? A good neighborhood? Strong foot traffic?