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本文将Groupon网站与传统网购进行对比,并对其提供的折扣商品的特征进行分析,从买家、卖家的得出其竞争优势所在,并预测了未来网络团购的发展趋势Groupon/网络团购/特征分析/发展趋势一、Groupon团购模式的概念和特点(一)Groupon团购模式的由来Groupon为coupon(优惠券)的谐音。 Groupon并不是一个纯粹的电子商务网站,它是...
I ordered through a groupon coupon a promotion of 5 pillowcase with little girl princess on it for $19.99. Then I get a $30+ shipping charge for what is the lightest weight package imaginable. This really upsets me as such a false promotion. If there are all these kind of hidden cha...
I bought a coupon for hair to be done at a salon and it was cancelled by Groupon themselves and they would not refund my money; only offered me trade for Groupon Bucks. As this is so wrong and i will not take it, i turned them over to the California Consumers Affairs board to che...
In the current issue of the New Yorker, columnist James Surowiecki, who I generally admire, gets it exactly wrong when it comes to Groupon. He writes: " But it seems unlikely that it’s going to become a revolutionary company, along the lines of YouTube,