1. 错误信息含义“grouping factors must have > 1 sampled level” 错误信息表示在使用混合线性模型(如 lmer 函数)时,指定的分组因子(grouping factor)在数据集中只出现了一次,这违反了模型对数据结构的基本要求。分组因子应该包含多个不同的水平(levels),以便能够进行有效的随机效应分析。
Error: grouping factors must have > 1 sampled level 1. 2. 3. 这里%in%换为/。 正确的代码如下: > ## 建模 > blup <- lmer(First~(1|Line)+(1|Loc)+(1|Loc/Rep)+(1|Line:Loc), data=phe) > summary(blup) 1. 2. 3. 方差组分结果: 这样就搞定了!
Understanding speech when background noise is present is a critical everyday task that varies widely among people. A key challenge is to understand why some people struggle with speech-in-noise perception, despite having clinically normal hearing. Here,
which Gy often considered “easy” to control). GSE is related to the combined effects of gravity interacting with the characteristics of the material being sampled, most commonly arising
6.5. Top-down factors The model of contour grouping proposed here is relatively simple and ‘bottom-up,’ except for the final decision stage where the ‘observer’ is assumed to select the stimulus interval (in the forced choice task) based upon a high-level rule (the longest group consiste...