MatchCollection matches=rex.Matches(text);//提取匹配项foreach(Match matchinmatches) { GroupCollection groups=match.Groups; Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} 共有 {1} 个分组:{2}", match.Value, groups.Count, pattern));//提取匹配项内的分组信息for(inti =0; i < groups.Count; i++) { ...
MatchCollection matches=rex.Matches(text);//提取匹配项foreach(Match matchinmatches) { GroupCollection groups=match.Groups; Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} 共有 {1} 个分组:{2}", match.Value, groups.Count, pattern));//提取匹配项内的分组信息for(inti =0; i < groups.Count; i++) { ...
Note that some groups, for example (a*), match the empty string. This method will return the empty string when such a group successfully matches the empty string in the input. Added in 1.7. Java documentation for Portions of this page are...
; Match match = Regex.Match(input, pattern); Console.WriteLine("Match: " + match.Value); int groupCtr = 0; foreach (Group group in match.Groups) { groupCtr++; Console.WriteLine(" Group {0}: '{1}'", groupCtr, group.Value); int captureCtr = 0; foreach (Capture capture in ...
groups claim results in a new custom claim, then the original groups claim will be omitted from the token. However, if the configured regex doesn't match any value in the original list, then the custom claim will not be present and the original groups claim will be included in the token...
您也可以藉由呼叫 實例 Regex.GroupNumberFromName 方法,將具名擷取群組對應至其號碼。 您可以擷取 屬性的值 Count ,以判斷集合中的專案數目。 參數的有效值 groupnum 範圍從 0 到小於集合中的專案數目。 屬性GroupCollection 傳回的物件 Match.Groups 一律至少有一個成員。 如果正則運算式引擎在特定輸入字串中找...
; Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); int[] groupNumbers = rgx.GetGroupNumbers(); Match m = rgx.Match(input); if (m.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Match: {0}", m.Value); foreach (var groupNumber in groupNumbers) { string name = rgx.GroupNameFromNumber(groupNumber); int number; ...
do { string name = rgx.GroupNameFromNumber(ctr); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { ctr++; names.Add(name); } else { exitFlag = true; } } while (!exitFlag); foreach (string cityLine in cityLines) { Match match = rgx.Match(cityLine); if (match.Success) Console.WriteLine("Zip ...
do { string name = rgx.GroupNameFromNumber(ctr); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { ctr++; names.Add(name); } else { exitFlag = true; } } while (!exitFlag); foreach (string cityLine in cityLines) { Match match = rgx.Match(cityLine); if (match.Success) Console.WriteLine("Zip ...
Simple library to match regex expression named groups into go struct using struct tags and automatic parsing Installing go get Example Named groups map packagemainimport("fmt""")varre=regroup.MustCompile(`(?P<duration>.*?)\s+(?P<num>\d+...