The symbology in the data I provided is very simple. This sample takes advantage of some web style symbols I published to ArcGIS Online. These symbols will make it easier for us to identify which marine animal corresponds to each feature. This sample utilizes theWebStyleSymboland se...
Possible Values:"private" |"org" |"public" created Property created Date |null |undefinedautocast The date the group was created. declaredClass Inherited Property declaredClass Stringreadonly Inherited from Accessor ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.7 The name of the class. The declared cl...
Reference an ArcGIS portal Item ID You can also create a SubtypeGroupLayer from its portalItem property if it exists as an item in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise. const stgl = new SubtypeGroupLayer({ portalItem: { // autocasts as esri/portal/PortalItem id: "8444e275037549c1acab02d2626...
Beginning with version 4.17, it is possible to load tables from feature service items hosted in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. This only applies to feature layers, and will successfully load if FeatureLayer.isTable returns true. Examples // While this example uses FeatureLayer, this same pat...
Empty sublayers are not loaded for rendering and applications can choose to hide them in their UI. listMode Property listMode String Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.11 Indicates how the sublayer should display in the LayerList widget. The possible values are listed be...