美 英 un.分组抽样;分层抽样 网络分组抽样法 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 分组抽样 2. 分层抽样 例句 释义: 全部,分组抽样,分层抽样,分组抽样法 更多例句筛选 1. The bestapportionofgroupsampling 关于分类抽样的最优分配 www.ilib.cn
沪江词库精选group sampling是什么意思、英语单词推荐 分组抽样,分层抽样,分群抽样 相似短语 group sampling 分组抽样,分层抽样,分群抽样 group sequential sampling 分组序贯抽样 group sequential sampling plan 分组连续抽样法 repetitive group sampling plan 重复群抽样方案 to group adv.到组,到程序组 group...
5 文中仅使用FPN最后一层特征(the last layer of FPN as features,如fig 1,指的是P2的finest layer),未使用图像 / 特征金字塔的多分支检测,再结合group sampling,就能取得sota;实验 + 分析部分,也能充分证明group sampling本身是有效的,最终无需bells and whistles,就在FDDB、wider face、FDDB上取得了sota; 1...
This paper introduces the concept of repetitive group sampling (RGS) for variables inspection. The repetitive group sampling plan for variables inspection will be useful when testing is costly and destructive. The advantages of the variables RGS plan over variables single sampling plan, variables double...
今天为大家介绍一个CVPR 2019提出的一个有趣的用于人脸检测的算法,这个算法也可以推广到通用目标检测中,它和OHEM,Focal Loss有异曲同工之妙。论文地址为:http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2019/papers/Ming_Group_Sampling_for_Scale_Invariant_Face_Detection_CVPR_2019_paper.pdf。
We propose a variables repetitive group sampling plan under type-II or failure-censored life testing when the lifetime of a part follows a Weibull distribution with a known shape parameter. The acceptance criteria do not involve unknown scale parameter differently from the existing plans. To determi...
rgsp: Repetitive Group Sampling Plan Based on Cpk Introduction The application of statistical quality control tools in industry are gaining an increasing importance in the quality conscious modern society. Many new methods are developed in recent years but not commonly used in industry because of thei...
这是Thomas Neumann在2019年CIDR conference上发的paper,介绍了一种结合sketches和sampling来进行cardinality estimation的方法,从paper的介绍来看,这套算法无论在合成数据集还是真实数据集上,都可以达到非常好的精度,且引入的空间/时间代价是比较低的。 众所周知,对于多列NDV值的估算一直都是query optimization中比较困难...
Resource accessing and modification methods, such as texture sampling, buffer read/write, and ray intersection; Variable construction and type conversion, e.g., the aforementionedmake_*,cast<T>for static type casting, andas<T>for bitwise type casting; and ...
aSince the stratified sampling technique requires you to create simple, homogeneous subgroups from a large heterogeneous group, think of the calculations for a stratified sample as a series of simple random sample size calculations for each homogeneous subgroup. 自从成层的采样技术要求你从一个大异种的...