routes/api.php <?php // \Illuminate\Routing\Route ERROR use \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; 1. 2. 3. 4. Route::group(['prefix' => 'contract', 'namespace'=>'Contract'], function() { Route::get('/index', 'ContractController@index'); }); 1. 2. 3.
我对Laravel比较陌生,我想了解更多关于API控制器方法(即在routes/api.php中定义)中的代码的行为。为了更清楚地描述这种情况,A和B两个人都访问同一个Laravel服务器,具有两个相同控制器类的实例。据我目前的资料,有两种可能发生的事情: (1)它们被看作是两个不同的事务,并且像lastInsertId这样的东西是分开维护的。...
Route::group(['namespace'=> $controllerNamespace,'prefix'=> config('trungtnm.backend.uri')],function()use($routeFolder){// scan routes php file in route folder -> route folder should contain only Laravel routes define$pattern = $routeFolder .'/*.php'; $modules = glob($pattern);forea...
The package exposes some routes that allow you preview timesheets for a user You can also view a summary of the timesheets for a period Jobs Commands There is a command you can run to update the Xero configurations fromdcodegroup/laravel-xero-payroll-auvia Laravels scheduler ...
Routes Below lists the routes available within this package. It is suggested you check the middleware used and update the configuration accordingly. xero_leave.update-statusupdates the status used for sending to xero when approval is required.xero_leave.retry-syncis an endpoint that can be used ...
}else{returnRedirect::to(Lang::get('routes.student')); } } 开发者ID:ronnysuero,项目名称:devsfarm,代码行数:13,代码来源:AssignmentController.php 注:本文中的Group::find方法示例由纯净天空整理自Github/MSDocs等开源代码及文档管理平台,相关代码片段筛选自各路编程大神贡献的开源项目,源码版权归原作者所有...
当我们在laravel中定义的路由越来越多,很可能会因为各种各样的原因导致路由不能访问,当需要定位问题的时候,我们可以通过laravel自带的php artisan route:list命令来定位问题发生的地方。非常简单,但是却非常的实用。另外一个点就是当很多路由的前缀都相同的时候,我们可以通过路由群组的方式来更好的组织我们的路由文件,这...
BeDeskis a self-hosted, feature-rich helpdesk, customer support, ticketing and email management platform, does not require any coding or server knowledge to setup. It’s developed based on the popular PHP web frameworkLaravelusing languages like JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, made by the same...
However, routes, kernel and middleware are a sensitive part of the application, I don't dare to PR anything without a bit of brainstorming and extra eyes from someone with deeper knowledge of the little details, tho. Maybe someone from the team is down for a chat about it. Contributor ...