在群论中,群表示论(group representation theory)是一个非常重要的理论。它包含了(局部)紧致群、李群、李代数及群概 … baike.baidu.com|基于29个网页 2. 群表示理论 ...学理论。流形上的椭圆算子整体理论是非相对性量子力学的数学对应者;与群表示理论(group representation theory)是密 … ...
東雲正樹:群论 (Group Theory) 终极速成 / 浅谈洛伦兹群 (Lorentz group) 与洛伦兹代数 東雲正樹:群论 (Group Theory) 终极速成 / マボロシの旋量空间与哈人的 Clifford 代数 4. 群表示理论 表示结构是个 3P 结构. 3名 Player 分别是 [群 G ] [表示空间 V 上的一般线性群 \[\text{GL}\left( V \...
1) Group representation theory 群表示论 2) group rcprcscntation thcory [数]群表示论 3) Representation theory of finite group 有限群表示论 4) group table 群表 1. An computer algorithm was developed to examine whether the multiplication table of binary operation forms thegroup table. ...
This book introduces systematically the eigen-function method, a new approach to the group representation theory which was developed by the authors in the 1970's and 1980's in accordance with the concept and method used in quantum mechanics. It covers the applications of the group theory in ...
Group representation theory. Post a Comment. CONTRIBUTORS: Author: Dornhoff, Larry L.PUBLISHER: M. Dekker (New York). VOLUME/EDITION: PAGES (INTRO/BODY): vii, 511 p.SUBJECT(S): Representations of groups; Finite groups. DISCIPLINE: No discipline assigned. 关键词: Representations of groups DO...
group representation theory, bifurcation theory and pattern formationdoi:10.1016/0022-1236(78)90080-0D.H SattingerElsevier Inc.Journal of Functional AnalysisGroup representation theory, bifurcation theory and pattern formation - SATTINGER - 1978Sattinger, D.H.: Group representation theory, bifurcation ...
group theory 群论 representation of group 群表示 相似单词 representations (1)陈述 借款人在联合贷款或发行债券时所做的说明,描述借款人目前事务的状况,例如借款人的财务状况等。 (2)代表 代表其它人或组织的行为。 Presentation n. 1.提供,显示 2.表现;外观,外貌,仪表 3.授予(物),赠送(仪式) 4.报告 ...
東雲正樹:群论 (Group Theory) 终极速成 / 物理系零基础火箭级 notes 東雲正樹:群论 (Group Theory) 终极速成 / 群表示理论 東雲正樹:群论 (Group Theory) 终极速成 / 群表示论下的正交性与完备性 東雲正樹:群论 (Group Theory) 终极速成 / 李群 (Lie group) 的定义与常见李群 東雲正樹:群论 (Group Theory...
representation theory(1) sheaf theory(3) 随笔档案 2020年3月(13) 2020年2月(6) 阅读排行榜 1. The p-adic Numbers & The p-adic Absolute Value & Valuations(514) 2. Godement 《theorie des faisceaux》第三章(314) 3. Godement 《Theorie des faisceaux》前两章(295) 4. Completions (...
This paper advocates a new approach in the theory of finite group representations by applying exclusively the method of commuting operators in quantum mechanics. The basic problems of group representation theory, such as the labeling of the irreducible representations, the calculation of characters, irre...