After you import your Windows group policy objects in Microsoft Intune, use the migrate feature to transfer your GPOs to a Settings Catalog policy. This policy uses your imported GPOs, and can be assigned to users and devices managed by your organization
group policy to Intune - Group policy analytics - Import ADMX - Demo - Challenges with Intune policies - Tips for MDM policy (configuration profiles) - Strategy for migration Script for exporting all GPO's:链接到外部站点,以了解有...
Once the Settings catalog policy is created, you can manage it in Intune by editing assignments, modifying settings values, and viewing policy reporting. SeeMigrate your imported group policy to a policy in Microsoft Intunefor more information. Best effort migration Given...
groupPolicyCreatedDateTime DateTimeOffset 创建GroupPolicyMigrationReport 的日期和时间。 groupPolicyLastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset 上次修改 GroupPolicyMigrationReport 的日期和时间。 migrationReadiness groupPolicyMigrationReadiness 关联的组策略对象文件的Intune范围。 可取值为:none、partial、complete、error、notApplic...
POST /deviceManagement/groupPolicyMigrationReports/{groupPolicyMigrationReportId}/groupPolicySettingMappings 请求标头展开表 标头值 Authorization 持有者 {token}。 必填。 详细了解 身份验证和授权。 接受 application/json请求正文在请求正文中,提供 groupPolicySettingMapping 对象的 JSON 表示形式。下表显示了创建 ...
The unique identifier of groupPolicyMigrationReport Type:String Position:Named Default value:None Required:True Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -Headers Optional headers that will be added to the request. Type:IDiction...
Convert any CSV to Formatted Excel file SKYPE Policy Compliance Script UPN Flip for Office 365 Users Exchange Online Rooms Report Extract office 365 Role Admins Office 365 License Reconciliation Intune Bulk Device Removal Tool Clear ActiveSync Stale Partnerships Clear ActiveSync Stale Partnerships – Exc...
If you modify the Alias value of an existing recipient, the primary email address is automatically updated only in environments where the recipient is subject to email address policies (the EmailAddressPolicyEnabled property is True for the recipient). The Alias parameter never generates or updates ...
catalog OMA-URI - Migrate group policy to Intune - Group policy analytics - Import ADMX - Demo - Challenges with Intune policies - Tips for MDM policy (configuration profiles) - Strategy for migration Script for exporting all GPO's:
GP Setting before the MDM policy takes place : MDM setting after the policy is applied (note: Windows 10 1803 is required to override the GP): Let’s take a look at a report in Intune regarding the policy and if it was successfully applied. This useful to make sure the poli...