You can connect one or more businesses in the United Kingdom to combine value-added tax (VAT) reporting under a single registration number. This type of arrangement is known as a VAT group. You can engage with the group as a member or as the group representative....
profits are attributable to UK significant people functions (SPFs), those profits will be taxed in the United Kingdom unless one of four conditions are satisfied (the first of which is that obtaining a tax advantage is not the main purpose or one of the main purposes of the arrangement). ...
Payment for our face-to-face Student Workshops in London is made directly to Mercia Group, and is charged according to the number of workshops attended. Payment may be made at the time of booking. Alternatively, you will probably find it more efficient to pay for these courses by means of...
Payments can be made via bank transfer or debit card. We do not accept credit cards, cheques or cash deposits into our bank. Should you attempt to, or be successful in making a payment to us by cheque or cash, the payment will be held until arrangement is made to return the funds an...
Individual Voluntary Arrangement Help & Advice by experts will help you manage your credit score. Trying to take shortcuts will only cause you more trouble than you can imagine. If you are planning to start the credit repair process, then there are some steps that you need to take. ...
Not be threatened with liquidation or any other type of insolvency proceedings, or have agreements with creditors such as a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) What is the process for dissolving a company? Once you are sure your company meets these objectives, the process of dissolution is done ...
If HMRC are chasing you for payment, the company is already in the danger zone as they are relentless in the pursuit of bad debts. Penalties for late payment of tax can be significant, making a dire financial situation untenable. As of 1 January 2023, HMRC have introduced...
And Royal Dutch Shell subsequently exploited the technology without payment or credit to the company holding the rights; Newton Research Partners. The inference seems to be that Twister B.V. was founded by Shell partly on trade secrets stolen from Bloom/Newton. For more information read: ...
Payment for our face-to-face Student Workshops in London is made directly to Mercia Group, and is charged according to the number of workshops attended. Payment may be made at the time of booking. Alternatively, you will probably find it more efficient to pay for these courses by means of...