You can connect one or more businesses in the United Kingdom to combine value-added tax (VAT) reporting under a single registration number. This type of arrangement is known as a VAT group. You can engage with the group as a member or as the group representative....
profits are attributable to UK significant people functions (SPFs), those profits will be taxed in the United Kingdom unless one of four conditions are satisfied (the first of which is that obtaining a tax advantage is not the main purpose or one of the main purposes of the arrangement). ...
Your insolvency, bankruptcy or other arrangement being reached with creditors; Your failure to pay our fees by the due dates; You being in breach of your obligations, where this is not corrected within 30 days of being asked to do so. In addition, the engagement between us may be terminated...
Your insolvency, bankruptcy or other arrangement being reached with creditors; Your failure to pay our fees by the due dates; You being in breach of your obligations, where this is not corrected within 30 days of being asked to do so. In addition, the engagement between us may be terminated...