针对您遇到的“groupadd: group 'mysql' already exists”错误,我将按照您的提示分点进行回答: 1. 确认错误信息 错误信息“groupadd: group 'mysql' already exists”表明您尝试创建的名为'mysql'的用户组已经存在于系统中。 2. 检查系统中是否已存在名为 'mysql' 的组 您可以通过查看/etc/group文件来确认'mysq...
在创建用户组时,如果我们尝试创建一个已经存在的组,就会遇到“group mysql already exists”错误。为了有效管理MySQL用户组,我们可以使用一些基本的SQL命令。 创建一个用户组 以下是一个创建MySQL用户组的基本示例: CREATEROLE'mysql_admin'; 1. 如果我们再次运行同样的命令,就会出现“group mysql already exists”的错...
groupaddmysql 1. 如果一切顺利,系统将创建一个新的组并返回成功的消息。然而,当我们尝试创建一个已经存在的组时,系统会给出一个错误信息:“groupadd: group ‘mysql’ already exists”。 3. 错误信息解析 当我们尝试创建一个已经存在的组时,系统会返回一个错误信息,提示该组已经存在。这个错误信息的格式是固定的...
group_nameidentifies which resource group to create. If the group already exists, an error occurs. TheTYPEattribute is required. It should beSYSTEMfor a system resource group,USERfor a user resource group. The group type affects permittedTHREAD_PRIORITYvalues, as described later. ...
mysql> START GROUP_REPLICATION USER='rpl_user', PASSWORD='password'; Unlike the previous steps that were the same as those executed on s1, here there is a difference in that you do not need to bootstrap the group because the group already exists. In other words on s2 group_replication_...
'group mysql already exists ... if you want to add the user to this group, use -g' If the group already exists, I think mysql should just use it rather than failing.How to repeat:create group 'mysql' make sure there is no user 'mysql' install the server RPM.Suggested fix:test for...
SQL Server:User, group, or role 'iemis' already exists in the current database. --最新的解决方法 --先创建用户帐户,不进行授权,然后通过下面的SQL语句将该用户帐户关联至对应的数据库用户。优点是避免了重新授权的操作。 USE tempdb EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'iemis', 'iemis'...
ubuntu/linux 新增用户提示错误adduser: The group `xx' already exists. ubuntu/linux 新增用户提示错误adduser: The group `xx' already exists. 删除账号提示错误: #sudo adduser chenxinmingadduser: The group `chenxinming'already exists. 解决办法 #groupdel chenxinming...
MySQL:在GROUP BY之后添加多个列? 另一列中“group by”之后的列的Django总和值 如何比较group by之后的所有列? R Studio -在group by之后重新排列列 在groupby之后添加类别列 Java 8 Streams Map在Group By之后减少的值 pandas在group by之后将列类型更改为datetime ...
[salt.loaded.int.module.cmdmod][ERROR ] Command 'groupadd mysql' failed with return code: [salt.loaded.int.module.cmdmod][ERROR ] stderr: groupadd: group 'mysql' already exists Thanks for the clarifications. — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub. Contributor basepi commented...