If there's no answer from the DC for our TCP handshake on port 389, the next steps are to involve the customer network team and provide them with this information. Make sure that in such scenarios, you make use of all the logs specified in the action plan mentioned above, corr...
case Some((magicValue, timestampType, timestamp)) => val records = filteredOffsetMetadata.map { case (topicPartition, offsetAndMetadata) => Record.create(magicValue, timestampType, timestamp, GroupMetadataManager.offsetCommitKey(group.groupId, topicPartition), //note: key是一个三元组: group、...
# 需要导入模块: from gevent.pool import Group [as 别名]# 或者: from gevent.pool.Group importspawn[as 别名]defpatch_all(timeout=180, external_loaded=True, source_complete_callback=None):withpatch_all_lock:# check config urlslog.debug('checking config urls') todo = list()forsourceinsources...
error copy file to dest:***, error message: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain my config: -id:create-secret-filesname:Create secret filesrun:|mkdir -p $SSL_SOURCEecho $DOPPLER_PROJECT >> .env.dopplerecho $DO...
saslhandshake.go saslhandshake_test.go sizeof.go stats.go syncgroup.go syncgroup_test.go time.go transport.go transport_test.go txnoffsetcommit.go txnoffsetcommit_test.go write.go write_test.go writer.go writer_test.goBreadcrumbs kafka-go/...
func nw_tcp_options_set_connection_timeout(nw_protocol_options_t, UInt32) Sets the number of seconds that TCP waits before timing out its handshake. func nw_tcp_options_set_disable_ack_stretching(nw_protocol_options_t, Bool) Disables TCP acknowledgment stretching. func nw_tcp_op...
func nw_tcp_options_set_connection_timeout(nw_protocol_options_t, UInt32) Sets the number of seconds that TCP waits before timing out its handshake. func nw_tcp_options_set_disable_ack_stretching(nw_protocol_options_t, Bool) Disables TCP acknowledgment stretching. func nw_tc...
connect_timeout 10 mysqld服务器用Bad handshake响应前等待连接包的秒数。 interactive_timeout 28800 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 服务器关闭交互式连接前等待活动的秒数。交互式客户端定义为在mysql_real_connect()中使用CLIENT_INTERACTIVE选项的客户端。
character-set-client-handshake=FALSE character-set-server = utf8mb4 collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci skip-external-locking key_buffer_size=16M max_allowed_packet=1M table_open_cache=64 sort_buffer_size=512K net_buffer_length=8K
How to change time/date of domain controller How to change User Logon Name in bulk ? How to change wireless(SSID) password (Pre-Shared Key) by GPO in active directory Server how to check AD replication latency between 2 different sites domain controllers? How to check AD users last log ...