ORA-00934错误是一个Oracle数据库错误代码,具体含义为“group function is not allowed here”(在此处不允许使用组函数)。这个错误通常表明在SQL语句中,组函数(如SUM、AVG、MAX、MIN、COUNT等)被放置在了不允许其出现的语法位置。 可能导致ORA-00934错误的常见场景 在WHERE子句中错误地使用组函数: 组函数通常用于SEL...
which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_...
GROUP BY department_id; ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WHERE 子句中不能使用组函数 ③ 常见的聚合函数 常见的聚合函数如下表所示: count里面可以使用两种参数:* 代表统计记录,字段名代表统计对应的字段(NULL不统计)。 需要注意的...
SQL> SELECT dept_id, AVG(salary) 2 FROM s_emp 3 WHERE AVG(salary) > 2000 4 GROUP BY dept_id; WHERE AVG(salary) > 2000 * ERROR at line 3: ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here 应在GROUP BY 后面加上HAVING AVG(salary) > 2000; 因为是用来限制组的返回。 多级分组实例: SQL...
For example:SELECT SUM (x) FROM T GROUP BY dbo.cube(y);User-defined functiondbo.cube (arg1,...argN**)** ordbo.rollup(arg1,...argN)in the GROUP BY clause is not allowed. For example:SELECT SUM (x) FROM T GROUP BY dbo.cube(y); ...
Caused by: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: Hibernate operation: Could not execute query; uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [S1000]; error code [1111]; General error, message from server: "Invalid use of group function"; nested exception is jav...
CUBE, ROLLUP and GROUPING SETS do not support the CHECKSUM_AGG function. Composite and Concatenated Elements Multiple columns that are in inner parentheses in theGROUPING SETS list are treated as a single set. For example, in the clause GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((Colum1, Column2), Column3, Co...
Additionally, sys.fn_hadr_backup_is_preferred_replica (Transact-SQL) can be used to determine the preferred backup replica. This function returns 1 for at least one of the replicas, even when AUTOMATED_BACKUP_PREFERENCE = NONE.FAILURE_CONDITION_LEVEL = { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 }Specifies ...
If you know that,for a given data set,eachnamevalue in fact uniquely determines theaddressvalue,addressis effectively functionally dependent onname. To tell MySQL to accept the query, you can use theANY_VALUE()function: SELECTname,ANY_VALUE(address),MAX(age)FROMtGROUPBYname; ...
CreateOrAlterFunctionStatement CreateOrAlterProcedureStatement CreateOrAlterTriggerStatement CreateOrAlterViewStatement CreatePartitionFunctionStatement CreatePartitionSchemeStatement CreateProcedureStatement CreateQueueStatement CreateRemoteServiceBindingStatement CreateResourcePoolStatement CreateRoleState...