According to Moraes, Brazilian intelligence operatives had been monitoring the suspects for several months, and that these had exchanged information about "preparing terrorist acts" through text messages and on social networks, such as WhatsApp and Telegram. "From the moment that they began speaking ...
Last Thursday, police searched offices of Mutuelle de Bretagne that Ferrand has managed for the 1998-2012 period and seized documents to seek for evidence on suspected financial dealings of the minister, Le Telegramme reported. Ferrand and other individuals involved in the affair would be questioned...
疫情加剧网络儿童色情内容传播 CBI在上周还逮捕了另一名男子,他通过短信应用程序Telegram,以250卢比(约合22.5元)的价格出售儿童性虐待视频和图片。 印度海德拉巴网警不久前也逮捕了两个人,他们被抓时正在网络上观看儿童色情视频。 随着互联网贩卖儿童色情制品的现象越来越普遍,国际上出现了一个专有名词——CSAM,指那...
The militant group said in a statement on its Telegram account that the attack was carried out by one of its members "in revenge for Muslims in Palestine and everywhere". The German police did not immediately provide any evidence to support the claims, and it was not clear how close the ...