In the United Kingdom and other countries of the European Union, Australia, and Canada, lobbyists are becoming increasingly important (they are usually known by other designations such as political consultants or government-affairs or public-affairs representatives), and there also has been more ...
By the δ-lower and δ-upper approximations, the variable precision multigranulation fuzzy decision-theoretic positive region Pos∑i=1mRiδ,β(A), negative region Neg∑i=1mRiδ,β(A) and boundary region Bn∑i=1mRiδ,β(A) of A are defined as follows, respectively:Pos∑i=1mRiδ,β(A)...
As our testbed fermionic system, we again consider the 1D spinful Fermi–Hubbard chain with open boundary conditions and interaction strength U/t = 4. Rather than the static problem, here we simulate Trotterized time evolution of the Hamiltonian. The number of Trotter steps provides a syste...
LOWER_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES OBJECT OBJECT_TRANSFORM UPPER_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES Spatial functions AddBBox DropBBox GeometryType H3_FromLongLat H3_FromPoint H3_Polyfill ST_AddPoint ST_Angle ST_Area ST_AsBinary ST_AsEWKB ST_AsEWKT ST_AsGeoJSON ST_AsHexWKB ST_AsHexEWKB ST_AsText ST_Azimuth ST_Boundary ST...
UNION pseudocode (pp.313-314) DELETE/EXTRACTMIN pseudocode (p.314) TAOCP #35 - Priority Queues (Chapter 5, Sorting: Section 5.2.3) Top Of The Heap! We saw in TAOCP #34 how a heap - a tree with of keysK_1, ..., K_Nwith the heap condition ...
2). These studies are recognised worldwide, and the Chiba composite section in the Kazusa Group was ratified in 2020 as the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) to define the boundary of the Chibanian and Calabrian stages20. Fig. 1: Maps showing the overall setting of the ...
The position “Other cost changes” reflects, amongst others, higher material costs, as mentioned at Q3, as well as lower residual value profits than the previous year. In 2022, a negative one-off impact of 1.8 billion euros was due to effects related to the first-time consolidation of BBA...
The Terasoma Formation is divided into three members, that is, the Lower, Middle and Upper Members. The Lower Member is composed mainly of shale and shaly flysch (alternations of sandstone and shale), associated with pebbly shale and sandstone. The Middle Member is characterized by the ...
This analysis localized the 3′ exon-intron boundary between the 1st (A) and 2nd (T) nucleotide of the codon for the first missing amino acid, yielding an isoleucine codon (ATT) instead of leucine after splicing. We conclude that the sequence encoding (I)LWQLERVD (positions 7258469 to ...
The geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate (GGGP) synthase of NIOZ-UU2 is only partially predicted by Prokka as it bridges a scaffold boundary (see Supplementary Information). For the homology searches and tree constructions detailed below a longer protein was reconstructed by concatenating the predicted ...