Fast, point-of-care group B strep test gets FDA approval: labor and delivery nurses can perform it Boschert S: Fast, point-of-care Group B Strep test gets FDA approval: labor and delivery nurses can perform it. Ob Gyn News 2006, 41: 1... ...
Anne Bouvet, Centre National de Référence des Streptocoques, Paris; Dr Ibrahim Hassan, Wythenshawe Hospital; Prof. Maria Zambon, HPA Executive Sponsor for the guideline development; Mr Grahame Antony Short, H.M. Coroner for the County of Hampshire. Finally, we extend our thanks to the many...
How best to manage the patient in term labor whose group B strep status is unknown?The article discusses the best way to manage the patient in term labor whose group B streptococcus (GBS) status is unknown. It is suggested to monitor the patient and treat her with intrapartum chemo...
20–25% pregnant women in the UK carry group B streptococcus (GBS) which, if left undetected, is transmitted from pregnant mothers to their babies during birth in 36% of cases. This transmission leads to early onset GBS infection (EOGBS) in 1% of babies
arly-onsetneonatalgroupBstrepto-tumantibioticprophylaxis(IAP)hasbeen coccus(EOGBS)infectionisacquiredshowntobeeffectiveinpreventingvertical bythebabybyverticaltransmission1 EtransmissionofGBS. fromthebirthcaroundthetimeofIn2004,anexpertmultidisciplinarygroup birthandisanimportantandlargelypre-reviewedtheevidenceonIAP...
All beta-hemolytic Streptococci colonies were typed as GAS using a latex test (Remel Streptex, Remel Europe Ltd. Dartford, Kent, UK). GAS isolates were identified at a reference laboratory (the Streptococcus & Diphtheria Reference Unit, Respiratory & Systemic Infection Laboratory, HPA, Colindale, ...
Table 1 Specimen distribution of 1071 invasive and non-invasive isolates of Group B streptococci within patient groups. Full size table Out of 114 GBS isolated from patients with non-invasive diseases, genital infections were more prevalent than urinary tract infections among adult patients with non-...
Parent and public involvement: The Group B Strep Support (GBSS charity provided input at all stages of the study including identification of research question, development of study protocol, study conduct and interpretation of the results. Their input was crucial to ensure ...
Interim UKHSA guidance advised clinicians to prescribe antibiotics to children with FeverPain score of three or greater. Our study evaluates the impact of introducing a Point of Care Test (POCT) for GAS using Abbott's molecular 'ID NOW Strep A 2' on correct identification of children with GAS...
Group B streptococcus carriage and vulvovaginal symptoms: causal or casual? A case-control study in a GUM clinic population. Sex Transm Infect 2003; 79: 246-248.Shaw C, Mason M, Scoular A. Group B streptococ- cus carriage and vulvovaginal symptoms: causal or casual? A case-control ...