We examined 579 oropharyngeal swab specimens from children presenting with pharyngitis in order to compare two rapid diagnostic ELISA tests for group A streptococcal antigen: the TestPack Strep A (TPSA), and the Direct Strep A EIA (DSAE), with an anaerobically incubated sheep blood agar culture...
The use of RNATs as add-on tests after a negative RADT result was evaluated in three studies [[66], [67], [68]], which were not within the scope of this review. With reported sensitivities between 91.4% and 100%, and specificities between 89% and 100%, these studies might also ...
Neonatal group B streptococcal infection at the Mount Hope Women's Hospital, Trinidad###Antibiotic sensitivities of Beta-haemolytic streptocci isolated in Barbados###Lab diagnosis of kidney infection. ###Epidemic nephritis and strepto... OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence of early onset Group ...
Are procalci- tonin or other infection markers useful in the detection of group A streptococal acute tonsillitis? Scand J Infect Dis. 2014; 46:376-83.Christensen AM, Thomsen MK, Ovesen T, Klug TE. Are procalcitonin or other infection markers useful in the de- tection of group A ...
Poisson DM, Chandemerle M, Guinard J, Evrard ML, Naydenova D, Mesnard L: Evaluation of CHROMagar StrepB: A new chromogenic agar medium for aerobic detection of group B streptococci in perinatal samples. J Microbiol methods. 2010, 82 (3): 238-242. 10.1016/j.mimet.2010.06.008. Article Pu...
Comparison of spectral sensitivities and opsins found in this study for matching or similar species. *Measurements fromDendroctonus pseudotsugaewere made in the absence of UV stimuli. The “blue-sensitive” photoreceptors discovered in this species most likely peak in the UV. ...
of 10−4 to 10−5). Levels of response in this qRT-PCR assay are clinically relevant and reported as a percentage of the transcript levels of a normal housekeeper gene, such as ABL1 or BCR. Given that assays used by different laboratories have significantly different sensitivities, ...
Last May, Roche Molecular Systems announced that its cobas Liat Strep A assay received a CLIA waiver. This clinic-ready assay can detect Streptococcus pyogenes (group A ß-hemolytic streptococcus) DNA in throat swabs by targeting a segment of the S. pyogenes genome. Since its invention by Kar...
This study demonstrates that the point-of-care test Alere Test Pack +Plus Strep A has a high positive predictive value and is able to rule in GAS infection as long as the proportion of carriers is low. Also the negative predictive value for ruling out GAS as the etiologic agent is very ...
The 36658 bacteriocin is a new type of streptocin previously not reported. The possible absence of bacteriophage or phage-like particles in the preparations is discussed.Takako ItoDepartment of MicrobiologyMicrobiology and ImmunologyGroup H streptococcal bacteriocins having no relation to bacterial ...