Anne Bouvet, Centre National de Référence des Streptocoques, Paris; Dr Ibrahim Hassan, Wythenshawe Hospital; Prof. Maria Zambon, HPA Executive Sponsor for the guideline development; Mr Grahame Antony Short, H.M. Coroner for the County of Hampshire. Finally, we extend our thanks to the many...
Hong K. Characterization of group A streptococ- cal strains Sv and Su: determination of emm gene typing and presence of small Vir regulon. Res Microbiol 2000;151(1):29-36.Hong K. 2000. Characterization of group A streptococcal strains Sv and Su: determination of emm gene typing and ...
Our study evaluates the impact of introducing a Point of Care Test (POCT) for GAS using Abbott's molecular 'ID NOW Strep A 2' on correct identification of children with GAS pharyngitis, antimicrobial stewardship and length of stay in a busy district general hospital paediatric emergency ...
And what they said was suspected sepsis, but Group B Strep was mentioned, so that’s basically my knowledge” (W14) It was also discussed that awareness of GBS for one participant came from being diagnosed, at which time she was reassured that it was not a major concern and that she ...
Parent and public involvement: The Group B Strep Support (GBSS charity provided input at all stages of the study including identification of research question, development of study protocol, study conduct and interpretation of the results. Their input was crucial to ensure ...
Intrapartum tests for group B strepto- coccus: accuracy and acceptability of screening. BJOG 2011;118:257-65.Daniels JP, Gray J, Pattison HM et al (2011). Intrapartum tests for group B streptococcus: accuracy and acceptability of screening. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and ...
E MorrisNorfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,Norwich,UKJ PlumbGroup B Strep Support,Haywards Heath,UKJ GrayBirmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,Birmingham,UKJG ThorntonUniversity of Nottingham,Nottingham,UKJ Daniels...
Is the diagnostic value of RAT increased when tests are performed in subjects with high clinical scores for group A streptococci, i.e. indicators that increase likelihood of strep throat, as Centor score or modified Centor score? In patients with high likelihood of streptococcal infections (e.g....
carried out by the RCOG and published in 2007 ( ), these guidelines have resulted in only "a slight improvement in the proportion of units offering IAP to appropr iate women since...
This finding warrants further investigation and optimization of humoral and cellular responses as a viable alternative to subcutaneous immunization for urgently needed GAS vaccines. Keywords: group A Streptococcus; strep A; Streptococcus pyogenes; vaccines; multicomponent; mucosal; sublingual; intranasal...