Group 1 Automotive, Inc. is a leading operator in the automotive retail industry. Through our omni-channel platform, we sell new and used cars and light trucks; arrange related vehicle financing; sell service and insurance contracts; provide automotive maintenance and repair services; and sell ...
Group 1 Automotive, Inc. is a leading operator in the automotive retail industry. Through our omni-channel platform, we sell new and used cars and light trucks; arrange related vehicle financing; sell service and insurance contracts; provide automotive m
Group 1 Automotive is one of the largest dealership groups in the US offering new & used cars from makes like Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Jeep, Ford, and more.
AUTO1 Group is dedicated to taking the stress out of used car trading. With its well-known brands, and Autohero, AUTO1 Group has revolutionized the way used cars are traded. The platform allows customers to not only purchas
2022年Group 1 Automotive公司在美国500强排行榜中公司排名第273位.登录《财富》(中文版)唯一官方网站--财富中文网了解完整的《财富》美国500强企业名单及相关公司信息.
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2016年Group 1 Automotive公司在美国500强排行榜中公司排名第267位.登录《财富》(中文版)唯一官方网站--财富中文网了解完整的《财富》美国500强企业名单及相关公司信息.
今年2月,Group 1将本田和丰田在马萨诸塞州的经销商卖给了Terry Taylor旗下的Automotive Management Services有限公司。去年12月,Asbury收购了犹他州Sandy的Larry H. Miller经销商,获得了54家新车经销店、7家二手车商店以及金融和保险产品提供商Total Care Auto。Asbury已经卖掉了它收购的一些Larry H. Miller的经销店...
AUTO1 Group是德国的一个二手车交易电商平台,连接了整个欧洲的二手车买家和买家。公司旗下有超过 320 个汽车评估分支机构网络,并且和欧洲超过3万家汽车经销商建立了合作伙伴关系。实际上,AUTO1 Group旗下有一套完整、透明的汽车评分流程,能够给二手车评估等级,并且做出