Arsenic was predominantly found in aquifers that are classified as confined and of low vulnerability, while wells in unconfined glaciofluvial deposits showed little evidence of As.doi:10.4296/cwrj3304397J.E. WilsonS. BrownH. SchreierD. Scovill...
Groundwater is available in usable quantities only in aquifers. An aquifer is a geological formation which contains water and permits significant amounts of water to move through it under ordinary field conditions. Aquifer can be categorized depending on the hydraulic conductivity as: isotropic vs. ...
In contrast, unpurged wells contained greater proportions of pathogenic bacteria and bacteria often associated with denitrification processes. In terms of eukaryotes, the abundances of copepods, syncarids and oligochaetes and total abundances of stygofauna were greater in wells than aquifers. These ...
groundwater and GDE training data (n = 34,454 training points; Extended Data Fig.1and Extended Data Table1) to map the likely presence of both aquatic and terrestrial GDEs at roughly 30 m resolution across global drylands. Within our random forest model, training data are used within...
2019). Both Quaternary deposits consist of sands, silts, and clays that form aquifers throughout the basin. Groundwater generally occurs at shallow depth (<10 m bgl) over most of Bangladesh within Holocene alluviums, alluvial fan deposits, floodplains, and delta plains but at comparatively ...
This remediation process uses a vertical heater network and extraction wells when pollutants are present close to the ground soil surface, with heater blankets spread over the surface. After heating, the heat can penetrate in surrounding soils by thermal conductance and extraction pollutant by evaporat...
(As), which has been regarded as the largest public health concern in the human history. The geomorphology and geology of the aquifers play very important role in the three dimensional existence of the As in the groundwater. The provenance of the groundwater As of Bengal basin may be ...
This work elaborated a groundwater quality index—GWQI, for the aquifers of the state of Bahia, Brazil, using multivariable analyses. Data from 600 wells located in the four hydrogeological domains: sedimentary, crystalline, karstic, and metasedimentary, were subjected to exploratory statistical analys...
and the hanging thin-bedded alternating limestone-mudstone strata that host the multi-story upper aquifer assemblage (HTU; wells studied H14, H32, H43, H52; thin gray-blue lines). Height above mean sea level (amsl), in meters, is shown along the y-axis and length of hillslope is shown ...
People in the semi-arid region of central Burkina Faso rely heavily on groundwater resources from basement rock aquifers for potable uses. In this study, the hydrogeochemical processes that control groundwater quality and contribute to better water resource management were characterised using major ion...