groundsel 英[ˈɡraʊnsl] 美[ ˈɡraʊnsl] 释义 n. 千里光属植物 大小写变形:Groundsel 英英释义 Noun 1. Eurasian weed with heads of small yellow flowers
1.(Plants) any of certain plants of the genusSenecio,espS. vulgaris,a Eurasian weed with heads of small yellow flowers: familyAsteraceae(composites). See alsoragwort 2.(Plants)groundsel treea shrub,Baccharis halimifolia,of E North America, with white plumelike fruits: familyAsteraceae ...
weed 词 shrub灌木;fern蕨类植物;daisy雏菊;flowering开花的;ferns蕨类;sunflower向日葵;grasses稻科植物类;cactus仙人掌;orchid兰花;prairie大草原;herb香草,药草; 用户正在搜索 fogdrip,fogdrop,fogeater,fogey,fogfruit,foggage,foggant,foggara,fogged,fogger, ...
Make sure to check a reference book before adding any weeds that you are unsure of to your plate, as some are poisonous such as groundsel, foxglove and nightshade. Most people call the plant butterweed but the real name is cressleaf groundsel. ...
1 [ground-suhl ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun any composite plant of the genusSenecio,especiallyS. vulgaris,a common weed having clusters of small yellow disk flowers without rays. groundsel 2 [ground-suhl ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun
美音['graundsl] ; 名词 千里光 英语解释 Eurasian weed with heads of small yellow flowers 相似短语 groundsel bushphr. 酒神菊 arrowleaf groundselphr. 千里光属植物 climbing groundsel千里光 groundsel treephr. 产于美国东部沿岸地区的一种矮树 nodding groundselphr. 千里光芦笋 ...
In order to generate hypotheses about the development and maintenance of population variation in this annual weed, we have studied the origin and patterns of migration of two genetic variants. Also, we have investigated the history of the oldest established flowerbeds in the...
英[ˈgraʊnsl] 美['ɡraʊnsl] 是什么意思 n. 千里光属植物; 英英释义 groundsel[ 'ɡrandsəl ] n.Eurasian weed with heads of small yellow flowers 同义词:Senecio vulgaris 学习怎么用 权威例句 GROUNDSEL Resistance of Common Groundsel to Simazine and Atrazine ...
The meaning of GROUNDSEL is any of various senecios (such as the nearly cosmopolitan European weed Senecio vulgaris).