bush.n. 1. 灌木(丛)2. 类似灌木的东西(尤指浓密的毛发或皮毛)3. (尤指非洲和澳大利亚的)荒野 4. 【机械学】(金属)衬套,轴衬,轴瓦5. 【电学】(绝缘)套管vi. 1. 丛生, bush administrationn. 布什政府 bush hook钩刀 gum bush【医】 北美圣草, 散塔草 ...
The meaning of GROUNDSEL BUSH is a North American maritime shrub or small tree (Baccharis halimifolia) with leaves resembling those of groundsel; broadly : a plant of the genus Baccharis.
groundsel bush - a shrub of salt marshes of eastern and south central North America and West Indies; fruit is surrounded with white plumelike hairy tufts Baccharis halimifolia, consumption weed, cotton-seed tree, groundsel tree Baccharis, genus Baccharis - shrubs of western hemisphere often having...
美音['graundsl] ; 名词 千里光 英语解释 Eurasian weed with heads of small yellow flowers 相似短语 groundsel bushphr. 酒神菊 arrowleaf groundselphr. 千里光属植物 climbing groundsel千里光 groundsel treephr. 产于美国东部沿岸地区的一种矮树 nodding groundselphr. 千里光芦笋 ...
Groundsel bush has been an invasive plant in Queensland and New South Wales for the past 56 years. In 1963 a biological control program was initiated. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the groundsel bush problem has dramatically decreased. Using fieldsurveys and damage estimates we investigate whether...
Freshly produced achenes of groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia L.: Asteraceae) lacked innate dormancy, and fluctuations in temperature and light were necessary to elicit a full germination response. Under conditions of intermittent light, a fluctuation amplitude of less than 1°C was sufficient to...
Define groundsels. groundsels synonyms, groundsels pronunciation, groundsels translation, English dictionary definition of groundsels. n. Any of various plants in the composite family, chiefly of the genera Senecio and Packera, having rayed, usually yell
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Groundsel bush isreputed to be poisonous to livestockalthough it seldom causes a problem because they rarely eat enough. However, livestock will lose condition rapidly if forced to graze it. Are string of pearls edible? rowleyanus issomewhat poisonous and should not be consumed. In humans the str...
griseus. This is a very tough bush, and few petrels succeed in burrowing below it, but the persistent bombardments of falling bodies wiped the plants away leaving a mud smear ready to be washed to sea in the next big rain (Warham, pers. obs.). Intense burrowing in forests on peaty ...