The article reports that the violation of a fundamental principle of law can be used as a ground for setting aside an arbitral award. It primarily aims to provide examples of the corruption of the public policy concept. Public policy enables setting aside of a wrong decision that is ...
The Court held that in setting aside or enforcement proceedings, issues of illegality might be reviewed in the context of public policy. Summary of facts G commenced an arbitration in Hong Kong to seek restitution of a sum paid by G (Sum) for a placement under a securities ...
Egregious Error of Law as Grounds for Setting Aside an Arbitral AwardMorenoJorge BastosJournal of International Arbitration
Arbitral Award Set Aside for the First Time in Japan on Grounds of Procedural Public PolicyGodwin, Peter
the annulment mechanism—its genesis, theoretical underpinnings and various procedural issues, such as jurisdiction, time-limits etc. This brief overview's emphasis is put on the actual grounds on which an arbitral award may be annulled at the seat of arbitration. This is done by succinctly ...
Modification by Agreement of the Statutory Grounds to Set Aside International Arbitral Awards in SpainBernardo M. Cremades
For the first time, the Supreme Court sets aside an arbitral award on grounds of substantive public policyA few months after the Zurich Court's decision was rendered,Benfica, which had not been a party to the challenge to the Zurichcourt, sought another decision concerning the same player and...