for SDLT purposes means a dwelling and its “garden or grounds". Mixed-use/non-residential property is defined in the negative; it simply comprises property that falls outside the definition of residential property. So, if you can successfully argue that you are buying more than a house and ...
Government'sgrounds for objection,some of them, having misunderstood the spirit of public access channels, are fundamentally untenable. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 回望過去政 府所提出的反對理由 ,有些是 誤 解了公眾使 用頻道的精神 , 根 本不能成立。
planning process would have to be triggered. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 倘若發現修訂的理據充分,便會展開法定的規劃程序。 legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk The decision on his application for residence on humanitariangrounds,whichfoundthathe would not have excessive difficulty in applying for residence from...
” The county citizenry should be calling the law enforcement community and others to demand answers, stated one candidate currently planning to running for public office. Whether falling under the label of political cronyism, crony capitalism, political party cartels, oligarchy, plutocracy and even ...
A brief guide to the grounds for judicial reviewCc, SomersetCourt, AdministrativeThe, Administrative Court
The combination of federalism and common law created the perfect environment for judicial review to develop. However, since its conception, judicial review has spread across the world and dramatically evolved. This dissertation is about how the primal American institution of judicial review functions in...
These involve navigating a more in-depth understanding of English and Australian judicial review through legal culture, deep-water legality and the process of unpacking the doctrinal approach and legal reasoning applied by the courts in determining the grounds of judicial review in leading cases....
comparativedomparative public lawlegitimate expectationsUnited Kingdomadministrative promiseproportionalityjudicial reviewThe article challenges the distinction between "pure" and "mixed" legal systems, a distinction that remains an element of comparative law orthodoxy. I trace the evolution of three grounds ...